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Thank You INDIANOLA!!!

I love Indianola, MS. Seriously! I can’t say it enough! I’m finally back in the office after a major trip- 3 states and 10 cities in 11 days- and now it’s time to reflect back on my travels. So let me take the opportunity to say-


This church was amazing! I spent my Friday night and Saturday with the youth group at the Central Hills Baptist Retreat, right past Possum Neck, MS. (Yes, I said Possum Neck. It’s a real place- I’m not kidding! HA!) THANK YOU to JR from Central Hills- you have a wonderful retreat center and you were so hospitable to us. A special thank you for my turtle sign too! (Those of you who know me and know about the “awkward turtle” will love this- I fell in love with this sign and wanted to take a picture of it… well JR took it down and GAVE it to me! Wow! Ask and you shall receive, huh? What a fun gift!)

Though I loved Central Hills, the greatest part about Friday and Saturday was the amazing youth group at FBC Indianola. These students was so awesome- they were even understanding when I was sick and couldn’t take part in everything. I really enjoyed spending time with them- especially my AMAZING girls!!! (sorry fellas!- ha- you guys are great too) I got the wonderful opportunity to talk to the girls Friday night and Sunday morning about purity. It was such a blessing that they were so open and real with me- I really appreciate you girls listening and sharing your hearts with me. I pray you will remember everything we talked about- and most of all to claim TRUTH – because EVERY DAY is a battle for your heart! You are all CAPTIVATING and SO BEAUTIFUL- I can’t wait to see the amazing things God has planned for you!!!

And last but certainly not least in the list of great things Friday and Saturday- was the band Philadelphia. These guys were great worship leaders- it was obvious their their hearts were for these students, and their goal was to lead them to worship the Father in a meaningful way. Austin, Kubie, Jeff, Stephen (and your lovely wives) it was a pleasure working with you!

Saturday night I was blessed with a stay in a quaint cottage near the church. It was BEAUTIFUL, and so peaceful! I spent most of my time out on the back porch overlooking the bayou. It was exactly what I needed after the past two months of travel, transition, and busyness. I was able to just enjoy some quiet time away from everything to just sit and BE with Father. That time of rest was SO good for my heart- I woke Sunday refreshed and renewed!

Sunday morning I was given the opportunity to sing and speak before the church congregation. I’m always excited at the opportunity to sing, but as a missionary, you never quite know what to expect at a speaking engagement. How much does the church want to hear? How much time will I be allowed to have? How will it fit in with the service? These are normal thoughts before sharing. Imagine my surprise when the pastor pulled me aside… “Ericka,” he said, “I just want you to know you have the pulpit this morning. You take as long as you need to- don’t rush. You share whatever God has placed on your heart. Don’t worry about time- I’ll tailor the message after you speak.” I was ASTOUNDED! WHAT A BLESSING! I can’t begin to describe my gratitude! Dr. Bennett– to find a pastor with such a heart for missions, who is so in tune with the Spirit and willing to step aside and let God move (and to give the pulpit to someone you just met) is a rare and precious gift. Thank you for your willingness and your amazing heart. It was SUCH an encouragement and a blessing to work with you!

After hearing from Dr. Bennett (great last name, but no relation, ha), I sang and then I shared my heart. I spoke about God’s call on my life to full time ministry and missions. I spoke about my time in Africa, and the burden God placed on my heart for the over 100,000 orphans in Swaziland. I spoke about my heart for orphans around the world. I told them about how Swaziland is the most AIDS infected country in the world, and how, if something drastic doesn’t happen, the whole country will be dead in 10-15 years. I told them I want to be that something drastic! And then…

I cried.

I’ve been home for 6 months, and I’ve spoken to many individuals and several groups about my time in Africa… but still sometimes my heart gets broken all over again. So there I was, in front of the whole congregation of people I’d just met, tears in my eyes and trying to speak, when I saw the most precious sight…

They were crying with me.

Women and men, scattered around the congregation, were sitting in their pews crying with me. Their hearts were breaking too! PRAISE JESUS! There couldn’t be a more encouraging sight for my heart, than to see the hearts of others breaking for the ‘least of these’.

After Dr. Bennett’s wonderful sermon- I was greeted down front by some of those precious church members. Hugs and tears were shared and commitments made by some incredible individuals and families who felt the call to join me in my ministry by supporting me financially. THANK YOU! You each are so special to me, and you have encouraged my heart! I am blessed to have met you, and so thrilled to be partnering with you in this ministry!!!

I left Indianola that afternoon, refreshed, encouraged, and blessed beyond measure. There are no words to express how much my time there meant– I pray God will allow me to return again soon!

A few more thank you’s…
Thank you Caleb – the fantastic youth minister for FBC. If not for his invitation I wouldn’t have had such an incredible opportunity! He organized everything, took such great care of me all weekend, and completely prepared the way for me with the youth group and the church.
Thank you Jamie- my awesome roomie- you were a blessing to meet! You have such a sweet spirit- I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you!
Thank you Amanda and Kale– you guys were a blast all weekend! I really enjoyed getting to know you and spending time together. You’re such a wonderful couple and I pray God’s richest blessings on your marriage!
And to recap- thank you again to the AWESOME youth group, Candice (our other great chaperone- so great to meet you!), the guys of Philadelphia (and their awesome wives), Dr. Bennett, all those who have committed to supporting me, and the wonderful congregation of First Baptist Church of Indianola!!!

“Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.”
Philemon 1:7


  1. You dont need to thank us.. thats just part of the good ole indianola/delta hospitality! we miss you!!

  2. I can’t tell you enough how much of a blessing you were. Our girls continue to talk about how much they miss you, just as addy morgan has already pointed out. May God continue to bless you and your ministry, and remember you always have a home in Indianola.

  3. Roomie!! I was so great getting to know you! I will be praying for you in all of your mission work, you truly have an amazing heart for the Lord and I know He has wonderful plans for you. I love the picture by the way!!! So cute! Well please keep in touch, and I hope you come and see us again soon!! Miss you!

  4. Oh My gOOdness! I can’t explain how much I miss you! Ha! You are sooo awesome! Like Addy said, don’t thank us, we thank you! You really need to get with Caleb again and plan to come see us again! I can’t image how tired you are… Ha! Anyways! Keep in TouCH! And how come I’m not in that picture? Ha.. I wonder where I was? Anyways! tHANk YOu!!

  5. Ericka,
    You were such a blessing to me and my family during the worship service, so I can only imagine how great it was for the youth to get to spend so much time with you. Thank you for coming to share with our young people. Remember, you are always welcome in Indianola. Thanks again!!!

  6. erika..
    omg! how are you? i’m doing great right now.. ha i miss you oh so much. you were the greatest person ever to talk to..
    hope tp see you one day soon!
    taylor lott

  7. Taylor- I miss you too girl! I miss all of you! I hope God is doing amazing things in your heart He is chasing after you right now!

    Love you!

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