
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Yes, you read right!

This will be my final post on this blog.

But don’t be sad! I have started a NEW blog and I would love, love, LOVE to have you follow me there!

It was just time to start something new…. here at the beginning of a NEW year, a NEW decade, and a NEW season of my life with our NEW non-profit! I’ve been with AIM for the past 3 years and it’s been a wonderful learning experience that I am so grateful for. This blog is full of amazing memories and life lessons and I could spend hours taking trips down “memory lane”… but my time with AIM is over, and I thought it best if I retire this blog and start fresh!

So please head on over to  to visit my new blog! I will continue to post there about our work overseas, but I will also be expanding my blog to share even more fun information (see my first post there for details!) So please bookmark that page, follow me, OR if you prefer email updates (and are already subscribed on this blog to receive them) I will be adding your address to a “google group” so that you can receive all our updates via email! (So keep an eye on your mailbox for those emails, and feel free to contact me if you have any problems!)

There are also two more very exciting sites I want to share with you! The MOST important is –

Please BOOKMARK THIS SITE, as it will be your best source of information about us from here on out. There you’ll find Our Story, Frequently Asked Questions about us (and what we do), and lots of links! We promise to keep it updated with current information, links to our blogs, and also information about how to support us. So if you’re ever looking for current links to support us or follow our blogs, check there first! (Or if you ever want to share our information with a friend, that would be a great site to forward!)

And finally, there is our new The Sound of Hope website! It is unfortunately still “under construction” so keep checking back for new information and new ways to be involved in our non-profit work! We also have a The Sound of Hope :: BLOG where you can keep up with the work we’re doing around the world!

Whew! Okay! I think you’re all caught up now! 😉

In closing, I just want to thank you all SO much for how you’ve followed this blog. I know some of you have followed me from the very beginning and I am SO appreciative for how you’ve been there for me through everything the past 3 and 1/2 years! From moving to Gainesville from my beloved Auburn, to traveling overseas, to caring for orphans, to meeting my husband, to getting married and moving to Michigan, and finally starting our own non-profit! It has been QUITE the journey! We have laughed and cried together…. you have listened as I shared my innermost feelings and struggles… and you have supported me and prayed for me when I needed it. I want you all to know that I love you guys for that! You, my “blog followers”, are really friends and family to me (whether we’ve ever met or not!) and I am truly thankful you are in my life!

I really do hope you will all stay in touch on our new website and that you’ll follow my new blog! We leave for Thailand in 7 days (we’ll be living there for 3 and 1/2
months) and I am already SO excited to share our newest adventure with

Much Love,