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We were so blessed to be home for Christmas this year!

First we were with my family in Alabama where we enjoyed a BEAUTIFUL White Christmas….

Rusty & Ericka, Jaron, Dad, & Mom
(*my other brother Brent and his fiance Melissa are missing from this photo.
He was only home for one day because he is working as a Student Firefighter in Auburn!)

And now we’re with Rusty’s family in Arkansas where there’s a high of 67 tomorrow! Haha!

Rusty & Ericka, James Andrew & Trudy, Tracy & her fiance Frank, and Davidson the dog!

There were lots of good memories, but after seeing these funny things around the house I just had to share this post with you all!

 You know you have brothers when…

The train set around the beautifully decorated Christmas tree looks like a scene out of an action movie….

with GI Joe’s trying to take over the train, and several who’ve been decapitated on the tracks….

The stopper guns they got for Christmas were aimed at each other and then at the fan
(much to mom’s chagrin)….

and now there are 5 fluorescent orange stoppers stuck to her fan at the top of her 19 foot cathedral ceilings…..

And if you take a closer look at the Nativity Scene you’ll find some interesting guests….

Yoda is apparently blessing Baby Jesus with The Force…

and Luke Skywalker is staying close by to protect Him….

because the evil Darth Vader is lurking behind that Wiseman!

I couldn’t help but giggle every time I found another one of these scenes that seem to shout, “BOYS WILL BE BOYS!”

And then of course there was the night the cat got loose and climbed 8 feet up my mom’s 12 foot tree…. it took all of us circled around the tree – laughing so hard it shook – trying to lure him out with Christmas ham…. but my brothers are in the clear for that one –  that was all my husband’s fault! HAHA!!! 😉

Here are a few more shots of us with family over Christmas….

With my Aunt Tammy & Uncle Grant on Christmas Day

A kiss on the cheek from my baby brother Jaron on our White Christmas!

With my Granddaddy Christmas Day

My Granddaddy’s old tractor that my brother decorated for him outside his house –
it was quite a sight!

And a kiss outside in the snow on our White Christmas!
All that snow was a dream come true for Rusty!

We hope you all had a great Christmas,
filled with family, love and lots of laughter!

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