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Unfortunately, we have to share a new prayer request with you today. This time, for Rusty.

I’ve been pestering him for the past two years to get a spot on his face checked for skin cancer. When we went to my doctor’s appointment this week, we saw a flyer posted in the room that advertised “Free Skin Cancer Screenings”. It seemed like a God-opportunity to me, so I finally convinced Rusty to set an appointment.

That appointment was this morning, and the doctor did not like what she saw. She is concerned that a spot on his back could be basal carcinoma – which is skin cancer (but low risk – it can easily be removed). The more serious issue though is the spot on his face, which she thinks could be melanoma.

The reason that melanoma is so serious, is that it can metastasize to your organs or other areas of your body. It is the leading cause of death from skin disease.

So, December 7th he will have both places removed and biopsied.

Please pray that Rusty does not have melanoma! This spot has been an issue for almost 10 years, so that makes us even more concerned. We are believing the BEST and speaking HEALING though – trying not to worry and just trusting that God is in control and that Rusty is going to be fine! So please pray LIFE and HEALTH and PEACE for Rusty! Pray for a cancer-free report, and pray that the removal is not too painful for him.

With all that’s been happening lately, it is becoming more and more evident that Satan does NOT want us going to Thailand. We were just thinking back over all the health issues, financial issues, and other challenges we’ve faced in the past few months – it makes us even more confident that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing! My Mom always says, “If you don’t meet the devil HEAD ON, you might be walking the same direction he is!” Well – we certainly don’t have to worry about that lately! He is throwing all kinds of stuff at us to try to discourage us!

We are so thankful to have our family and friends to lift us up during challenging times.
I don’t know what we’d do without you all!
Thanks for being such awesome encouragers and prayer warriors!

12 responses to “Prayer Request :: Rusty’s Health”

  1. Praying for you, my great friend!! Rusty and Ericka, the Millers love you and know that this is yet another tactic used to scare and discourage you- don’t let it! Walk with faith! Can’t wait to read the praise report on Dec. 7!

  2. rusty and ericka, i’ll be lifting you guys and the healthcare pros that will be taking care of this up in prayer. God will be glorified!!

  3. Rusty, praying for you, too! I had two different types of spots removed a week and a half ago and am waiting for results. (I had another spot removed a couple of years ago.) I am not stressing, but I have not put it off like you did, either. 10 years? My, my! Ericka is right, that sign was meant for you! Sending positive prayers your way!(and don’t ignore any more spots- my dermatologist said his youngest patient with melanoma has been 21.It happens to young people too! Too much sun!)
    The great thing about most of these skin cancers is that, if caught early, they are almost always treatable! Be watchful! Keep us posted!

  4. Philile and I are praying for you friends. Rusty, you will not die but live to proclaim the great news of our God. Ericka you are one amazing child of our Father God and she is by your side right now. All shall be made right, Jesus will make it good for you.