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Rusty wrote a blog today about routine that got me thinking about all the ways we plan God OUT of our days.
I’m reminded of a night in a church I used to be a member of. We were in a business meeting – trying to find a new music minister. We’d been through quite a few interims, and just couldn’t find a permanent replacement. Committees were being formed, votes were being cast, “all in favor” were saying “aye” – a BUSINESS meeting was EXACTLY what I was in the middle of!
I was maybe 18 at the time – trying to appreciate the ‘business’ of the church (I typically didn’t like business meetings, but my parents had been teaching me how important those aspects of our church membership were). I knew decisions had to be made, but I also knew how incredibly important a new music minister would be.  The Bible talks about music and worship SO much – I knew our worship leader would have an incredible impact on our church! As I contemplated all of this, something horrific dawned on me. We hadn’t prayed. No one. Not a soul had prayed about anything. No one prayed about our need. No one prayed about who should serve on the committees. No one prayed to ask for God’s direction, or to ask Him to prepare the person we needed as our music minister. NO ONE PRAYED. Sitting there, I felt like I could almost see God – backed into a corner of the sanctuary- hand raised, jumping up and down, wanting to be recognized, listened to, sought out, and we were not only NOT SEEKING Him, we were IGNORING HIM! IN CHURCH! While making a HUGE decision!
With all the courage I had, I raised my hand to be recognized. I too was ignored. I waved my hand. Still nothing. So finally, I STOOD UP. (A scary moment for a teenage girl in a business meeting in a Baptist church). I don’t remember every word I said, but I do remember asking if we could please take some time to pray about all this? Asking if we could please pray about who should serve on these committees, and the decisions we were making?
The pastor quickly silenced me with a response about “Roberts Rules of Order” and how “we were past that portion of the meeting” and “couldn’t go back to that”.
WHAT!?! Since when is a church congregation in America NOT ALLOWED TO PRAY?! (I guess when Robert’s Rules of Order” start running the church, instead of the Holy Spirit.) With that comment, my pastor had kicked God right out of our business meeting.

They worship me in vain,
their teachings are but rules taught by men.’
You have let go of the commands of God
and are holding on to the traditions of men.”

Mark 7:7-8
That day my heart broke. I remember how turned off to church I was that night, and the bitter taste in my mouth I still have sometimes when visiting there – because it seems like that’s the kind of mindset much of that church leadership has. But then, I have to turn that same bit of judgment on myself. How often do I plan God out of my day? Out of my week? Out of my decisions, my relationships, my dreams? How often do I figure everything out on my own, and forget to even ask God what He thinks?
Today I was reminded to not only seek God every day, but to surrender my will to His. It grieves me to think of all the moments God wanted to use me, to speak to me, to speak through me, or to bless me – when I was too busy with my plans to hear His still small voice.