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Tuesday afternoon I got a phone call from a South African number I didn’t recognize. The urgent voice on the other end of the line was Rusty Jackson – squad leader for The World Race. “We’re okay, we’re all okay… I’m fine…but we’ve just been held to the ground with guns to our heads and robbed. We’re fine… I’m okay! Just CALL SETH.”
To say I was upset would be the understatement of the year, though somehow God gave me the strength to calmly walk into Seth‘s office and explain what was happening. Seconds later, I completely fell apart. 
I guess now would be a good time to explain who Rusty is, though some of you may have seen him mentioned in blogs in the past, or watched our Nsoko video. I haven’t told you all about him yet because it feels a little awkward to discuss my love life on my blog. But – I’ve never shied away from vulnerability here before, and there are many of you who feel like “family” – (you are wonderful supporters and prayer warriors for me, so of course, I want to share this part of my life with you too.)
Rusty and I met last year in Swaziland during my first trip to Africa. Little did we know, God had in mind to bring us both on staff with AIM! We also never would have guessed that God would take a random meeting in Africa, and grow it into a wonderful relationship. To save you from a very long story – for the past year, God has been faithfully bringing Rusty and I to the place we are now – from a great friendship into an incredible courtship. It’s been a long, hard road – especially with him leading The World Race (in the past year, he’s only been in the US for about 6 weeks), but God’s hand has been so evident through it all. I am blessed to have such an incredible man of God in my life, and very much in love.
Knowing that, you can only imagine the emotions that phone call evoked. For me, it wasn’t just a brother in Christ on the other end of the phone line telling me terrifying news about my friends. For me, it was the man I love.
For the past few months, God has been teaching me a lot about TRUST and LOVE through my relationship with Rusty. Tuesday, those lessons were put to the test. I went a lot of dark places in my mind that day. “What ifs” ran rampant. All I could do was imagine a different ending. All I could think was “what if” Rusty died that day? All I could feel was the pain of losing him, and the fear of God taking him away from me.
God reminded me, almost immediately, that I have to hold Rusty in an open hand. He told me I had to trust Him, that Rusty isn’t now – nor will he ever be MINE. He is God’s, and I needed to recognize that. Unfortunately, I fought that truth late into the night.
I didn’t WANT to hold him in an open hand! I didn’t WANT to trust God! God let him get robbed and held at GUNPOINT! (forget the fact that God, in all His glory and power and sovereignty, kept Rusty and his team perfectly safe. Forget the gratitude I should have felt — it would take a while for that to surface.) I wanted to close my hand and hold him tight – I wanted him home! (yes, I admit I thought it. Missionaries aren’t immune to fear either.)
And then I remembered what my Mom always tells me: “I know you’re safer in the middle of Africa in the center of God’s will, than here at home locked in your room, out of God’s will.” I always agreed with her before when she said it, but would I believe it now?
“But God! You never promised to keep us from death! You never promised to keep Rusty safe! How can I trust you?!”
God answered: 

    Because I’m a loving Father who longs to give you good gifts… (Matt 7:11)

    Because I promised to never leave you (or Rusty) or forsake you…(Deut 31:6)

    Because I promised that all things (yes, even this) work for the good
    of those who love me and have been called for My purpose… (Romans 8:28)

    And because I know the plans I have for you, (and for Rusty, and for all the racers)
    plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future…     (Jer 29:11)

Tuesday night I chose to trust God. It’s the same choice we all have everyday – the choice to trust (or not to trust) a perfect, wise, loving God; the choice to hold EVERYTHING dear to us in an open hand.
Are you holding too tightly to something or someone today? If so, I would encourage you to make the choice to place them in God’s hand. You’ll be amazed at the peace that comes from trusting Him!

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish;
no one can snatch them out of my hand.
My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all;
no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.”
(John 10:27-29)


“There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear…”
(1 John 4:18)


“…the Lord is faithful to all His promises, and loving toward all He has made.”
(Psalm 145:13)

To read the story of the robbery on Rusty’s blog, click here.
To donate to the racers struggling to replace the things they lost, Contact Me.
Please continue to lift the squad up in your prayers.  They travel today and tomorrow to India, and will be continuing to serve God overseas for another 4 months!

7 responses to “Love and Trust :: Held at Gunpoint”

  1. WOW! Excellent blog! I love seeing God teach you so many wonderful things out of such a crazy experience. I’m so proud of the woman you are becoming. I think it’s been such a cool thing to watch how the Lord has changed you over these past 14 months. Ericka, you are a totally different person. And I’m so encouraged to see you continuing to embrace the lessons God has for you.

    I love you very much. You are a huge blessing and inspiration in my life. Keep putting HIM first!

  2. Hey baby girl…we are so thankful that Rusty and his team are okay. Thank you so much for sharing so we can pray for them. But I am also thankful that you shared how God is bringing you through that. We all have a choice on how we react to circumstances and your wisdom from God was very comforting. We love you!
    Angela and Britt

  3. What an Almighty God we serve! Praising Him and thanking Him today for His protection upon Rusty and the team. The Lord layed on my heart to pray for them ever since you were with them. God is faithful to hear us in spite of ourselves. I will continue to pray for them daily. I agree 100% with your mom about being in the center of God’s will. No better place to be! I tell C the same thing.(Can’t wait to meet your mom.) You mentioned so many things that the Lord is using to mold you and shape you into the woman He wants you to be. He is using your words to work in my heart too! Thank you for your obedience to Him! The Lord is using you to further His kingdom and encourage His believers.
    Love & Prayers, Ms. Cherie

  4. Thanks girl! I needed that. What a blessing you are. Keep trusting…the best is yet to come!

  5. An amazing blog Ericka! Your words echo some of my thoughts that day. God’s presence was so real to me that day. It was as if I could hear God saying,”Darla, I protected them.” Your mom’s words are so true! Thank you for being obedient to God’s calling. I continue to pray for God’s blessings for you and Rusty.