
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, if you didn’t catch the title…
       WE ARE




This blog has been a long time coming, and we are very excited about the news! It has been over a year since I’ve been overseas, and 9 months since Rusty has been. While we understand our full-time jobs are here (we cannot raise money for orphans, recruit, and train missionaries if we are not in the US), we have both greatly missed our overseas work! We love ministering to the nations first-hand, and I especially love being with the orphans… holding them, praying for them, and giving them the love and attention they so desperately need!
We are going for several reasons. For The World Race, we will be doing set up, working to find ministry partners, and working on recruitment (getting MORE missionaries out into the nations!) For The Sound of Hope (my orphan fundraising campaign), we will be doing orphan ministry, and looking into connecting another orphanage to our fundraising campaign. We will also being doing any other ministry God puts in front of us while we are overseas. We are SO excited about our first opportunity to minister TOGETHER overseas, especially on a trip that includes both of our ministries!
The current plan is for us to be gone from early/mid December, through mid/late January. I must admit I have really struggled with that time-frame! I was so excited about spending our first Christmas together here, decorating our home, and enjoying the holidays with our family. It was very difficult for me to agree to being gone at this time. However, after we prayed about going God confirmed it in SUCH an unmistakable way that I could not refuse! His will is always better than our plans!
HOW ARE WE GOING?In deep though. HA!
Here’s where YOU come in! We have really been struggling to support raise lately. The economy has not made it easy on us; we’ve had multiple monthly supporters lose their jobs, and others drop off their support. We know we are doing what God has CALLED us to do, but we are currently ‘in the red’ in our support account. If we do not get enough support in, we will not be able to go overseas. If we do not get more support in SOON, we will not be able to continue our work at all. WILL YOU PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING US? Any amount is a blessing!  Just click here: Support Me!
(For those who can’t give, PLEASE PRAY for provision! And if you have any friends who might want to support us, please send them our way! )
Oh… I almost forgot…
We will be doing mission work in two countries while we are gone. We are VERY EXCITED to tell you more about them both….
…so stay tuned tomorrow and Thursday for the details!
(don’t you love cliffhangers? hehe! 😉

One response to “WE ARE GOING OVERSEAS!!!”

  1. I already knew you were going overseas… your Facebook message got me all excited…

    But it’s still exciting 🙂