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Update on Jyoti (new pictures!)

For all of you who have prayed for and supported Jyoti, I thought you’d like a little update! This summer, a friend of mine spent some time at the orphanage in India. She reported that Jyoti was doing VERY well- happy, healthy, and beautiful as ever! She is even getting a little sassy- saying things like, “If you are mean to me, I will tell Papa on you!” to the other kids. HA! (‘Papa’ is what she calls the head of the orphanage).
Here are a few recent pictures of her I thought you’d like to see. She is growing up so fast! Your prayers and financial support have impacted her life in such amazing ways!


For those of you who aren’t familiar with this story:
Jyoti is a beautiful 4 year old little girl who was orphaned as a baby. She now lives in an orphanage we partner with in India. Last year she was diagnosed with parasites in her brain.
Many of my blog readers prayed for Jyoti and gave
generous donations to COMPLETELY cover the cost of her
medical treatment!
Read the full story through the posts below:


  1. Praise the Lord! She is such a beautiful blessing! Thank you for posting this update. I was very curious 🙂 I love great news. Thank you for being so faithful and ministering to these precious babies! God is SO good, and my heart is full of unspeakable joy at the way He is using you!!

  2. I am so glad to hear that she is doing well…thanks for the update. Thanks for all you guys do! We love you!

  3. Ericka,
    That is wonderful news! What a difference you and others have made in her life by providing funds and support for her treatment. This is proof of what the power of prayer and putting words into actions can do!
    Love ya,

  4. Praising God for answered prayers! What a beautiful little girl. I fell in love with her when I saw the pictures from your trip to India. Thanks for the amazing job you did of getting the word out and helping to raise the funds for her medical treatment! Keep up the good work and continue to follow the Lord in ALL you do! He will continue to use you in a mighty way! I Love you BUNCHES, Mom

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