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Want to go to Swaziland?

This is an invitation from our founder (and one of my spiritual “Dads”), Seth Barnes, to go to Swaziland. He and his wife, as well as the Blacks are leading this trip. Take this trip, and you will get to be the hands and feet of Christ in one of the most desperate places in the world. On top of that, you get to be lead by these incredible these men and women of God!
I really encourage you to pray about this opportunity. Check out the info below!


This January 28 through February 4, join Karen and myself, plus Gary and Lisa Black, on a life-changing vision trip to Nsoko, Swaziland.

be exposed you to the devastation and beauty of Africa. Swaziland, a
nation of a million people, now has highest percentage of orphans in
the world. It is desperate for help and the children of Nsoko are among
the most needy. By going to them, you can make a difference and your
life will be impacted forever.
How Nsoko got started
Lisa relates the story: “One day my husband Gary was showing some
of the World Racers an area an hour and half from our home, when they
stumbled upon a group of starving children. They had not eaten in
weeks, and the grandmother that was trying to care for them was beside
herself with grief. She told us she never stopped praying that God
would hear her prayer, and send someone to help the children.
The children in this area all have a story. Some are double
orphans, meaning both parents have died, some as young as 5 are the
oldest living member in the household, and struggle to care for their
siblings. The poverty is overwhelming, the number of very small
children fending for themselves is heart-wrenching, and the rate of
HIV/AIDS affecting every age group of this country is mind-blowing. Yet
the vision and hope are inspiring.”
What we’ll do
When the church of America links hands with the church of
Africa, miracles begin to happen, for everyone. You will experience the
beauty of the land and it’s people, and be changed forever. We will
start our days with prayer, and then go to minister by feeding the
children, playing with them, holding them, praying for them, teaching
them, and singing with them.
We will minister healing to the GoGos and encourage them in their
daily lives. We will see the community center and the site of the
children’s village you will help build. If you are a doctor or a nurse,
you can provide medical care out of our new clinic. We will enjoy
genuine African worship and meet the people of Nsoko. You will hear
their stories and realize that they are no different than you – they
have dreams; they love their children, and life has cost them more than
they could pay.
We’ll also spend a few days meeting and ministering alongside a team of World Racers (the team that Karen and I coach) and will see what a lifestyle of radical abandonment looks like.
Where we’ll stay
Nisela Farms, in the
LaMatata Guest house, is where we’ll be staying. We are fortunate to
partner with the owners of this beautiful game preserve just a few
miles from Nsoko. Lions, impala, ostriches, and warthogs wander just a
few yards outside our restaurant. One or two afternoons we’ll go on a
safari. Breakfast and Dinner will be served there. Gary and I will
teach in the mornings and John Kale will lead worship.
Please join us!

Some of you need to scout this out as an opportunity for your church to engage with orphans and AIDS in a meaningful way.

others of you, it’s just time for you. If you think you might be
interested, please put your name down here in the comment section below
so we can contact you.

Or, if you have friends you feel need to go, let me know that as well.

E-mail  Alison Sellers
for more info. If you can’t go this trip but would like to be contacted about future trips, let us know that too!


  1. Tempting… I’ll get back to you on that one… no telling what it will be like here at work…

  2. hmm.. i’ll be in south africa.. can i drive up lol? miss you 🙂 and i miss swaziland SO MUCH!

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