
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Just wanted to update you all on my travels – last week was a busy (but great!) trip to my hometown of Oxford, Alabama. I’d like to share with you a little of what I did, and also say THANK YOU to a few great people who made it possible:
What a wonderful Sunday morning! I spent most of my day with this incredible church, and was blessed beyond belief! This church is full of people who’s hearts are breaking for the world. I can’t tell you what it felt like to share with them; to look out in the congregation and see men and women with tears streaming down their faces; Christians who truly care about the orphans around the world. Church – YOU BLESSED ME. Through buying Sound of Hope shirts, Timbali bags, and just giving your generous donations, you ended up giving a total of over $3,000! I’m moved. I’m encouraged. I’m EXCITED! I hope and pray this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership. I would love to see you being the hands and feet of Christ in Swaziland someday very soon! You are already bringing such HOPE to the women and children there!
This was all made possible by Roland Brown and Fred Taylor. Roland – thank you for baptizing me 18 years ago, and believing in me and in what God has called me to do still. Thank you for some of the best preaching I’ve heard in a while! Thank you for your amazing heart, and your life that challenges your congregation and all those around you. Thank you for being open to the way God is moving in the world, and being obedient to Him! You, Tracy, and your family are a blessing! Fred – thank you for facilitating this, and for believing in me when you’d never even met me. Thank you for being sensitive to the Spirit and moving where God asked you to move! Your heart for missions is contagious – it was a treat to meet you and your wife!
What can I say? You gals are always such a bright spot for me! I love coming “home” – my nights with you are so comfortable, easy, and refreshing! Thank you for the love and laughter you lavish upon me. Thank you for ALWAYS wanting to listen to the stories of where I’ve been and how God is moving in my life. Thank you for ALWAYS responding – buying merchandise or donating money to help support me. Thank you for rejoicing with me and giving me a “family” I love to visit! You bless me more than you know! I can’t wait until next time! 🙂
Philip Jenkins and the FCS at Oxford, thanks so much for having me. I enjoyed my time with you all – it’s such a blessing to have the opportunity to speak into the next generation! Thanks for welcoming me and for being open to the message God had given me. I know there were some world-changers in that room! Can’t wait to see how God is going to use you students!
All in all it was a wonderful week. I’m looking forward to more weeks like that, on the road, sharing the message God has given me to share! If you’d like to have me speak or sing at your church, please contact me for more information. Thank you to all of you who support me and make this life of ministry possible! I truly couldn’t do it without your financial and prayer support! Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to support raise and continue to follow God in the life He has called me to!