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Just wanted to post a quick update for you all – I know many of you have been praying and your comments and personal messages you’ve sent me have meant so much.

Unfortunately I got bad news today – my parasite tests came back negative. While that seems like it would be good news, what it means to us is we are back to square one. We have no idea what’s wrong with me, and let me tell you I am sick of being sick!

Getting this news was very discouraging, frustrating, and confusing to both me and Rusty. We thought for sure we’d have a diagnosis and be done with these expensive tests. Now we aren’t quite sure what to do next, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t anxious and upset. I am just PRAYING nothing serious is wrong!

We are trying to get an appointment with another doctor next week. In the meantime, here are some things you can pray for:

  • A QUICK diagnosis. We only have 2 and 1/2 months before we move to Thailand, and we need to have this diagnosed AND treated before we go! I need to be healthy before my body is exposed to a foreign country (which means foreign germs/diseases.)
  • That nothing serious is wrong. Please pray that whatever is wrong is treatable and not a more serious/lifelong issue or illness.
  • Affordable tests/treatments. Since we are “employed” as full-time missionaries, our health insurance is not the best. Please pray that the tests and the treatment needed are not too costly.
  • No blood tests. I know this sounds like a silly request and there are MUCH worse things in the world, but I’ve always believed, “if it’s big enough to worry about, it’s big enough to pray about”. I am TERRIFIED of needles. I can handle shots ok (as long as I don’t see the needle) but having blood drawn or having an IV makes me absolutely hysterical. If there is any way I can be diagnosed without a long list of painful blood tests, that would be an answer to prayer!
  • Peace of mind. As I said above I’m frustrated, I’m confused, and I’m scared. If you could pray for peace and comfort for me during this time I would really appreciate it!

Thanks friends! We appreciate your prayers more than you know!

3 responses to “Prayer Request :: Health Update”

  1. I have an idea: I’ll meet you on the front steps of the “White House” and we’ll pray this crazy sickness out of you ALL over again!!!! 😉 *wink. Healing and wholeness in Christ’s name! love you dear!

  2. Praying for you from Swaziland! May God have HIS way in you dear one. He is in control. He has a plan. Your days have been ordained and your steps ordered. God bless you!

  3. Remember this…I’m copying it off of a little card that you gave me when I was worrying about changing jobs and coming to a new place. It says this…Don’t worry about tomorrow…God is already there! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Worry is not healthy baby…Trust in God! He is in control and the worry only comes from Satan. Don’t let Satan weigh you down…look up to the “Son” – He is in control and He will give you peace and comfort! I love you BUNCHES, Mom