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My AIM Family…

I’ve already posted a blog about how I’m thankful for my family, but there’s another family I haven’t mentioned…

My family at AIM
(Adventures In Missions)

Yes, I know, it’s where I work. They’re not ‘family members’- they’re co-workers, right? WRONG!

When I stepped into that office 4 months ago, I had no idea what God had in store for me.

Acceptance. Love. Friendship. Family.

My co-workers welcomed me with open arms. Not just “polite reception”, but sincere acceptance of ME – my heart, my life, and even my mess.

Our workplace isn’t perfect, and sometimes I get overwhelmed. Yes, there are days when I’m stressed… but there is never a time I come into work and I don’t feel loved. I am hugged often (which is important to me). I am encouraged. I am told “I love you” everyday- usually multiple times a day. They see the best in me and are quick to speak it. They care not just about my “to do” list, but about my heart. That’s important when you work for a mission agency—because Satan doesn’t really like that kind of work!!! I didn’t expect to be attacked the way I have been since working at AIM, but Satan has found ways to get me- especially through relationships. He knows what hurts my heart and has gone after me emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically since I’ve been at AIM. Lucky for me- I have FIERCE friends there! They have been quick to fight for me- to speak truth when lies are aimed at my heart. They have been there to comfort me when my heart was broken.

They’ve held me as a cried, and prayed for me when I didn’t have the words.

They’ve written me encouraging notes when I needed to be affirmed.

One of them checked in on me when I was completely overwhelmed and told me that I “better not burn out!” in the most caring way. He made me realize I was valued.

They’ve listened when I needed to vent.
They’ve given me perspective.

When I was going through a tough situation, one of them even made me a care package full of thoughtful things because she knew my heart was hurting.

One of them even LIVES with me – she’s there for me all the time, even when I’m upset and difficult.

Times like those they teach me so much about family- about loving each other as Christ loves us—because it’s those times when I’m not much fun to be around… when I’m crying or stressed or frustrated or heartbroken… yet even in those times they’re still there.

They’re there for the good times too.
They laugh with me.
They rejoice with me.
They get excited about the future with me.

I continue to learn everyday about the love of Christ from my co-workers. They are teaching me what it means to “be the body of Christ”. They are teaching me what it means to “love one another”.

I may not have some high-paying job. I may not have a mansion, or a beautiful new car. I may not have a lot of things the world sees as “valuable”- but the “family” I have at AIM is priceless!

Sadly, I don’t have pictures of all my co-workers- there are many “not pictured” here who I love VERY much… but you’ll have to come to Gainesville to meet them! 😉


  1. I couldnt have said it better my friend! Every time I think about each one of you it brings tears to my eyes because I have never known love like this. Thank you for being not only a great roomy, but a true sister in Christ as well as one of my best friends. I praise God for putting you and the rest of the gang in my life…Im a lucky girl! I love you (and Bella does too!)

    C 🙂

  2. So… the office is pretty empty today. I wasn’t feelin’ so loved… then I GET TO READ THIS! WHOOP WHOOP! Thanks girl and ditto!

  3. I remember the day you arrived! I knew you’d be a great addition to this “family”… you bring much joy and laughter. Thank you…for letting us all into your life!

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