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Me on a NATIONAL radio/TV show!

Well, here’s the EXCITING news I promised…

I’m going to be on a national radio/tv talk show tomorrow morning!

I know it’s kind of short notice, but I was just asked to be on it and have gotten the final details today. The show is seen on FamilyNet TV, and can be heard on Sirius Radio – channel 161.

Here’s the info off their website about the show I’ll be appearing on:

“Mornings” is a positive, upbeat way to start your day. Popular FamilyNet personality Lorri Allen joins veteran news reporter Larry Estepa to interview trendsetters, authors, musicians, or anyone with an amazing story to share. This live, faith-based program encourages, enlightens, and entertains.

Join Lorri and Larry weekdays from 6:00am to 9:00am on Sirius Radio Channel 161 and from 7:00am – 9:00am on FamilyNet TV.”

If you’d like to watch/listen to the show, keep in mind those times are EASTERN (for those of you in Alabama, it will be an hour earlier. So sorry!) I’ll be on the air at 8:23 – so 7:23am Central Time.

Many thanks to my new friend Wendy for setting this up! I’m praying this will be a fantastic way to share information about AIM, how we’re helping orphans around the world, and also praying that maybe God will use this to help bring in some of my much needed support!

Please pray He will give me the words to say, and that those words will fall on receptive ears. Pray for Him to bless this opportunity to speak out across an audience about the needs around the world, and about how they can help live out James 1:27:

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to
look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself
from being polluted by the world.”

Here’s the website for the show if you’d like more information: