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This Christmas, I’m thankful for my family.

I’m thankful for my Mom – she’s where I get my heart. She always lets me know she cares. She was the one who put notes in my lunchbox, and gave me a card the first day of school telling me how proud she was of me. I still have a box of cards she sent throughout my first year of college. She gave me Valentines in high school when I didn’t have a boyfriend and my heart hurt. She’s the one who’s shoulder I cry on and who always listens. She’s also where I get my ability to cook and sew and hostess – she loves to do sweet things for people and is always willing to help. She has always put us first- giving up her time and attention to make sure we were taken care of. She’s stayed up so many nights with me working on projects, packing for trips, and preparing for pageants—I wouldn’t be where I am today without her!

I’m thankful for my Dad – he’s where I get my ability to teach and to “do”. I learned to build things from him (he’s why I was the only pageant girl who knew how to do construction work- HA!) He designed and built our house from the ground up. He’s a genius (probably literally) – he’s where I got my stage presence and my “smarts”. He’s a great speaker and taught AP Physics for years; he can really make a classroom come alive. And if that wasn’t enough, he also can fix anything – from a broken chair to a car. He hates the fact that he doesn’t have a high paying job (teachers don’t make so much in Alabama) and that sometimes we haven’t had all our wants- but he’s always taken care of us, even if it means staying up late or giving up a weekend to fix my old car when it won’t run.

I’m thankful that I had parents who were always there- they never missed a pageant, and they came to every show and performance I had that they could possibly make- even if it meant driving through the night to make it back to work the next day!

I’m thankful for my little brothers – even when they drive me crazy…

I’m thankful for my “little” brother Brent (even though he’s bigger than me). He’s a lot like my Dad- Mr. Fix it. It gets him into trouble in a really sweet way- he can’t seem to say “no” to anyone. He’s always got a project or a friend he’s helping out, and though I wish he didn’t stretch himself so thin, I love that about him. There are moments he makes me really proud- the times he’s stood up for me in the past (even though I’m older), and the moments when he lets God lead and shows his heart. He knows what breaks my heart (even if he doesn’t always understand it)- like my time in Africa, or the 2 summers I spent doing homeless ministry in Oregon. The proudest he’s ever made me is the day he called to tell me about the new “friend” he’d made. “I drove by this homeless man and it made me think of you… so I stopped and got him something to eat, and I sat with him, and talked to him… his name was Jim…” – I’ve never been so moved or so proud of him! He’s got a great heart in there when he’s not too tough to show it 😉

I’m thankful for my “baby” brother Jaron
(though he’s now bigger than me too!). We’ve always been really close. He’s so much like me – musical, a writer, and Mr. Social. He’s a leader and he’s passionate about so many things— it’s exciting to see him exploring the talents and abilities God’s given him. We almost lost him 2 years ago to a chronic auto-immune disease (ulcerative colitis). He was taking 31 pills a day, in and out of the hospital for sometimes a month at a time, taking high doses of dangerous treatments and then having 3 major surgeries – it was one of the most terrifying things my family has ever gone through. Yet, through it all- he kept the most AMAZING attitude, becoming an example to everyone around him. I’ll never forget the day one of my friends who played football at Auburn wrote to tell him he admired him and looked up to him – imagine that, a 14 year old little boy becoming an example for a collegiate athlete! His attitude really was that amazing – he knew God was in control and he was quick to speak it! He continues to testify to God’s glory and power in his recovery and to seek God in his daily life. It excites me to see him chasing after the Lord. I’m so proud to be his sister!

One response to “My family…”

  1. You’re so blessed Ericka and I’m so happy to see you focusing on all the great things you have in your life. Too many times we look at what we don’t have. Thank you for teaching us all to truly count our blessings:)