
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Since we started doing mission work, the #1 question we’ve gotten is….

“So…what exactly do you do?”

In the mission/ministry world, the answer to that is ever-changing. As God leads us to do new things, we pick up new responsibilities.

Soo… we thought it would be a great idea to put together a video just for YOU! In it we explain exactly what we do – the organizations we work for, the different ministry opportunities we take part in, exactly what God’s call is on our lives, and how YOU can be a part of our mission work!

So, please check out this short, 5 minute video all about our ministry. We’d love to have you be a part of it!

We are still in serious need of people to support us as we continue this full time mission work. If you feel led to give you can donate by clicking HERE.

And if you liked what you saw, would you please TELL A FRIEND about us? You can share this video with them and if they have any questions, just have them comment below or contact us.

Thanks for watching!