We are so excited about finally getting the chance to go to Thailand together!
Thailand was Rusty’s favorite place during the World Race, both in 2007 and 2008. He loves the people and the ministry there; specifically in Chang Mai (the northern hill-tribes). He gets more passionate about it than anywhere else he’s been, and still has great relationships with the people he worked with there. I’ve never been, and am thrilled to go to the place that makes him come alive!
We will be spending 10 – 14 days in Thailand during the month of January.
While in Thailand we will be specifically focused on orphan ministry.
The contacts Rusty worked with on the World Race, Pastor Panya and Rapee (a Thai couple) and Ray and Candice (an American couple) live and work full-time in the villages. We will have an opportunity to check out their ministry and explore the option of getting further involved!
We already sponsor an orphan in their Children’s Home, and we are excited to meet our sponsor child! We are also excited about their plans to build a Children’s Village and would like to parter with them through my campaign,
The Sound of Hope, by helping raise funds to care for the beautiful orphans there.
We may have other ministry opportunities in the villages, such as encouraging the local churches, preaching, and worship leading. There is also a chance we will visit Bur-ma, a country wrought by political struggles. The military (which is now running the goverment) has enslaved children as soldiers, and is killing off the Karen people (natives of Burma- pronounced ‘Cor-inne’).
Over 130,000 Karen have fled the country in an attempt to escape the genocide, including many children who’s parents were killed. The opportunity to encourage the Christians still in Bur-ma would be such an honor!
(*We must write the name “Bur-ma” with a dash to protect the Christians there from persecution.)
Please pray for us as we anxiously await our trip. If you missed yesterday’s blog, WE ARE IN GREAT NEED OF SUPPORT! If the support we need does not come in, we will not be able to got to Thailand. If more money does not come in soon, we will not be able to continue our work at all! PLEASE SUPPORT US!
…STAY TUNED for tommorrow’s blog,
which will reveal the country we will be working in during the month of December!