
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Australia is one of the least devout nations in the developed world, with religion not described as  a central part in many people’s lives.This view is especially prominent among Australia’s youth, who were
ranked as the least religious worldwide
in a 2008 survey conducted by The Christian Science Monitor. As of 2006, there are 3,706,555 people in Australia with purely secular

beliefs, categorized by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as “No Religion”.

I know what you’re probably thinking right now: AUSTRALIA?! Why would they do mission work in AUSTRALIA? It’s not a third-world country! Why not go to Africa?”
I’ll bet you’re thinking that, because it’s what I thought when we were asked to go. When I found out we would have to miss Christmas with our family, I was really not on board with the idea! “I’ll give up my Christmas for orphans in Africa God, but for Australians? I don’t have a heart for Australia, and I don’t want to go!”
Good thing I agreed to pray about it. Rusty and I BOTH spent time in prayer about this decision, and were shocked when we came back to each other with the EXACT SAME VERSE:  

“Ask of me,
and I will make the nations your inheritance,

the ends of the earth your possession.”

-Psalm 2:8


As I read the scripture, the song “Ask and I’ll give the nations to you” popped into my head.
I heard God whisper,
“I said I would give you ALL the nations…
not just the third-world countries!
Australia needs me too.”
Immediately my heart was burdened, but it wasn’t until I began to research more about Australia that I found the quote at the top of the page. I had no idea just how much Australia needed Christ! And so…


WHEN are we going?
Mid-December through early January.
WHAT are we doing?
Our work in Australia is three-fold. First, we will be doing set-up for The World Race. This will require us to pray and seek out ministries in the country that our missionaries can partner with. We will be sending World Racers to work in Australia during the month of January, and it’s up to us to find out where and how God wants to use them to impact the country!
Second, we will be helping to launch the World Racers as they begin their mission trip around the world. We want to set them up for success in their first country, Australia, and prepare them to be used by God in powerful ways!
Third, we will be working to find long-term ways to recruit Australian Christians for The World Race. I am especially excited about this part of our ministry, because that means there can be MORE missionaries going to hold, love, and bless the orphans around the world!
We hope you will SUPPORT US so that we can fulfill this ministry God has called us to! We really believe in The World Race, and know God has big plans for it in Australia. To find out why we are so passionate about it, please watch the short video below! (and keep an eye out for a familiar face or two!)

World Race- pt 1 from Adventures In Missions on Vimeo.