
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

     I’m trying to keep this little voice in my head silent.
     The one that tells me to stop talking, stop typing….
See, a month and a half ago I told you about a beautiful little girl in India named Jyoti suffering from parasites in her brain, and I asked you to pray and to help pay for her treatment. Last week, I told you about a dear friend of mine in California named Will suffering from serious health issues, and I asked you to pray and help pay for his treatment. For over a year now, I’ve been writing. I’ve told you of orphans sick and starving with no one to hold them. I’ve told you about widows dying of AIDS in the dirt. Of lepers left untouched and unloved. Of children and families and entire countries in desperate need of money and prayer.
And all the while, our economy is becoming more of a mess…
And all the while, I’m asking you to PLEASE support me financially
and to PLEASE pray for me…
It doesn’t make much sense then, that I keep asking you to support others. And it doesn’t make much sense that I keep telling you about the horrible things happening around the world that break your heart into a million pieces…
So, I’ve got this little voice in my head that tells me to stop talking. Stop typing. Stop.
You see, in my heart of hearts, I believe this is my purpose.
And deep in my soul, I believe
that for me to be silent
would be the biggest tragedy in the world…
Because I want to believe that
the biggest problem in the world isn’t APATHY,
It’s not that people DON’T CARE,
it’s that they DON’T KNOW.
So, I’ll keep talking. I’ll keep typing. This week, I’ll update you on beautiful Jyoti, and the amount she still needs to fully recover. After that, I’ll introduce you to a precious little boy in the Philippines named Michael who needs your prayers. And scattered in along the way will be my needs, thoughts, hurts, prayers, and dreams.
        The shocking part of this all is – you keep Reading. Responding. Praying. Giving…
And you inspire me to keep going. 
So for today…I just wanted to thank you. In an overwhelming, broken, hurting world, you, my blog readers, help give me HOPE. Thank you for reminding me that people still care. Today, I’m grateful for you.

7 responses to “To YOU, my blog reader:”


    Keep pouring out the truth!

    God is good. God ALWAYS provides what is NEEDED!!! God loves his children, and wants them to be taken care of… We just must keep faith that God will continue to provide what is needed…

    In this tough economy there have been a lot of layoffs, and some hard ones in the firm I work for. I beleive God has blessed me and I haven’t been laid off because God knows my heart is to give of my financial blessings to others so that they may do God’s work. God will find a way for His servants to be taken care of. Have confidence sweet Ericka, and Keep listening to the TRUTHS God gives us in His LIVING Word, the Bible.

    Some passages for you…
    Genesis 50:20-21
    Psalm 40:9-11

    Love you! and can’t wait to see you this month!! HOORAY!!

  2. You know you can’t stop talking…haha. I love you sister and am thankful that people let us share our hearts. Im going to miss you!

    C 🙂

  3. ha. i love it.

    i feel the same way too sometimes on my personal blog. i feel like my friends are probably really sick of hearing about it by now. but i know it’s a part of my call too.

    love you friend. really. a lot.

    (how many days?!??! 🙂

  4. Keep spreading the word! May God’s heart be shared with all people and may His church operate according to His priorities! God bless you my sister in Christ!

  5. Please don’t ever stop! I am so proud of you for the work that you’re doing with such persistence. You are an amazing inspiration and blessing! Your talents are being used in a mighty way, and I’m so thankful for the updates. I know it’s tough sometimes, but if it were easy anybody could do it! We have to believe that…
    “the biggest problem in the world isn’t APATHY,
    it’s IGNORANCE.
    It’s not that people DON’T CARE,
    it’s that they DON’T KNOW.”
    (Well said, by the way)
    Thank you for not giving up or giving in. Keep allowing God to shine His light through you. I love you, and I’m praying for you!