Since our move to Michigan, people have been asking us three questions over and over…
1. “Are you still doing mission work?”
2. “What does your ministry look like?”
3. “When will you go overseas again?”
In this blog I hope to answer those questions and give you a glimpse into our recent ministry time together!
First of all, let’s answer Question #1: “Are you still doing mission work?”
YES! Yes we are still doing full-time, support-raised mission work. Though it’s not overseas at the moment, we are still doing Kingdom
work everyday. Rusty is working to recruit World Racers to go out into the nations, and ministering to the Racers while they are on the field and going through re-entry. He is also starting a new ministry to parents of World Racers (from what I understand, it’s tough to let your kids go!).
Finally, he is working to fundraise for the World Race. We truly believe that program is changing the WORLD and we want it to GROW!
I am still the Orphan Advocate for Adventures in Missions- still working to raise funds and awareness for orphans around the world! Just last month I was able to send over $4000 from The Sound of Hope campaign overseas to bless children in Swaziland, Kenya, and India!
So, Question #2: “What does your ministry look like?”
Well, it’s a little different everyday! From meetings, emails, phone calls, events, and speaking engagements to new ideas and projects

along the way. Each of us have unique responsibilities for our jobs.
However, since we got married, we’ve realized how different our jobs are and have expressed the desire to do more ministry
TOGETHER. Our first opportunity for that came in May, during World Race Training Camp!
Training Camps happen in Gainesville, GA at our main base. The World Racers come in before they leave for 11 months to be prepared emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. It’s an intense 10 day time of training where the staff typically serve 14 hour days or more! Though it was exhausting, Rusty and I were so excited to be a part of Training Camp for the newest World Racers!
We both lead the Parent’s Receptions for the camps; a time when the parents of our participants are introduced to AIM and ministered to. We also helped lead team-builders and interviews for the racers, and did those
fun ‘camp things’ like cooking, cleaning, and doing set up. My favorite part
was the ministry to the racers- teaching them one on one, helping them work
through things
doing prayer-

counseling, and sharing with them abo
ut The Sound of Hope
(our orphan ministry). Rusty’s favorite part was leading the Men’s Retrea
t, where he got to challenge and teach all the men on the race! Overall it was a GREAT experience and we loved doing it together! We’re looking forward to how God can use us in the lives of more World Racers (and parents!) in the future.
And finally, Question #3: “When will you go overseas again?”
While our current ministry is HERE, in the US (raising awareness, funds, and ministering to missionaries going out to the nations) we long to go overseas again. We recently found out there could be opportunities for this in the near future! Though we’re not sure of the details we know we could be going to several countries, ministering to World Racers on the mission field, and doing local ministry in the area.
To make that happen, WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!
We know we are called to reach the WORLD, but before we can go out again our support accounts need to be healthy. In the past few months we have lost quite a few monthly donors.
We are struggling right now and we really need more monthly supporters or one-time gifts. Please pray about joining us in ministry as a supporter!
Please pray for us while we serve during the next training camp: July 28-August 10!