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Sanibonani! Or “hello to you all” – in SisWati! I made it to Swaziland!
I can’t tell you all how excited I am to be here! I’ve waited over a year for this day. It’s been surreal… driving back into Manzini, singing worship songs outside the big white house I stayed at last year, walking back past the squatter camp, and walking around the city… I can’t express to you how my heart feels right now! It’s such a peaceful feeling to know you are exactly where you should be…
I met up with my roommate Caroline’s team at Alabanza – what a blessing it was to see her after a month! – and also ran into my dear friend from Auburn, Lee Lowry, at Alabanza! God is just full of surprises! Then Caroline’s team and I drove down to Swaziland.
Yesterday was a day of reunions. We spent the night last night at a huge 4th of July party (yes, in Africa!) All the Americans and friends who were within driving distance came. It was amazing! I got to see all the AIM staff that’s here, the Ambassador and Real Life teams and all their leaders (who are dear friends of mine), as well as the World Race team that’s here! Our time together was great – for most of the night it felt like we were at home. We ended the night with the Star Spangled Banner (yes in Africa) and fireworks. What a way to celebrate!
Today and tomorrow I’ll be visiting friends here and running errands… then Sunday night I’m headed to the game park to camp with the World Racers! I can’t tell you what a blessing it’s been to be back with them! The last time I saw most of them was September at training camp. It’s been SO great to be around them again!
I’m excited to see what God has in store for me this week in ministry. I’ll be ministering in Nsoko and possibly at some other carepoints. Rusty and I will be shooting a video of the Nsoko project so that you all can see what God has called us at AIM to do here, and so that you can “meet” (via video) some of the amazing people and beautiful children that are a part of it. Please pray God’s hand over our work!
Please continue to pray for safety (in travel and especially since we’re camping at the game park with lions, snakes, scorpions and other wild animals! Praise God it’s winter – I pray the snakes and bugs stay far away!), health, sweet sleep and for God’s direction every moment. I can’t wait to share more with you about what God has in store here!
 I probably won’t have internet for the next week – so “no news is good news”. Thanks in advance for your prayers!
In HIS hands,
Ericka <><
“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass…” 
Psalm 37:5

5 responses to “Sanibonani!”

  1. I know your heart is jumping out of you with excitement after being reunited with so many & with all the Lord has ahead. I’m still praying for your safety, but will be more specific now that I know more about the camp! I know your time with the WR’s will be sweet and a precious time of ministry. Thank you so much for sharing about the time spent with Caroline and her team. A huge blessing and comfort.
    I will be praying every day for you, your co-workers and the ministry. Love you girl!

  2. oh, my heart is so happy for you, dear friend!! you have no idea how much i wish i was there with you right now!

    i can’t stand that, now that you’re FINALLY back in Swazi, the updates are going to be few and far betweenbut i understand. know that i hang on each bit of news that you send out!

    give my love to all our friends there, k?? give them BIG hugs for me!

  3. Glad to hear you all celebrated Independence Day! God bless you, Ericka, as well as the other folks you are with! Take care of yourself –

  4. yay for familiar faces!! just being reunited with long-lost friends can bring so much encouragement in times of need! praying for you, sister. love you.