Well, if you couldn’t make it to the wedding, and you haven’t guessed by now- WE’RE MARRIED!!! Sorry for the extended absence on my blog! As all you married couples know, life is busy taking care of someone else too! It’s been a wonderful 7 weeks so far, so I’ll try to catch you up in the next few blogs…
The wedding was beautiful! We couldn’t have planned more perfect weather. After such a stressful season of moving, planning, and some mishaps the week before the wedding, the day came off without a hitch!
Seth Barnes,
Andrew Shearman, and
Michael Hindes were there to marry us. We were so thankful to have our ‘spiritual fathers’ there to be a part of our special day! The presence of the Lord was there. The ceremony was so special to us, and included several of our friends who provided the most beautiful music.
We also had many friends and family members who attended. Lots of our AIM family came, including many of Rusty’s World Race squad members, and some of my girls from my South Africa team last year!
Thank you all for coming! Seeing everyone truly meant the world to us! We danced and celebrated at the reception before driving away in my Granddaddy’s old convertible.
Looking back, I’m filled with gratitude. We never could have afforded the wedding we had. My parents blessed us, but many others blessed us too! From gifts and discounts to free services, God provided down to the last detail! I have a long list of “God Did” details that truly blows me away. It amazes me to see just how much the God of the Universe cares about the most intimate details of our life!
So now I’m married to
my best friend, enjoying life with him every day. He is the greatest gift of all!!!
*To see all the pictures from the wedding, visit this link:
To read our story and see pictures, click here and here. We were blessed with our photography at a very special rate from my dream photographer and friend, Jane Johnson. She is an amazing woman with a huge heart for missions (she donates 25% of her session fees to the mission organization of your choice). If you have any photography or design needs, please contact her! She is absolutely incredible!
The Jacksons! Love you guys, love that you’re one, love what God is doing in and through you!
And LOVE the pictures!
yayyy!!! i miss and love you!!! beautiful pics!!! 🙂
You guys are gorgeous! I know you guys are having a blast being newlyweds. I am so blessed to know you and will be lifting you up in this new season in your lives. Mrs. Jackson, I really miss your smiling face and pray if you are in the Montgomery, Alabama area I’ll get to see you sometime.
God Bless you,
Trip & Rebecca