you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
things from the wise and learned,
to world such as giving an orphan a hot meal, helping a village dig a
well, or giving children a warm blanket. Zoe has been working around the house to make a little money, and has even taken $10 of her birthday money she’s been saving to use towards this cause. Now her new plan is to draw (and sell) pictures to raise even MORE money!

“Here’s a picture I drew to make money to help orphans.
This is an orphanage and a picture of a girl named Sally giving food to
an orphan named Lily. And these are all the orphans names: Lily, Ben,
Bib, Muffin, Sandy and Tory and Miss Roe is the adult that takes care
of them.”
Zoe has drawn this picture to make money to give a
warm meal to an orphan through Samaritan’s Purse. Lily is an orphan and
has patches on her dress. Sally is a girl bringing her the hot meal.
There is an orphanage with names of other children. It’s 8.5″ x 11″ and
is in a black frame with glass.
The current bid is $35 and bidding
increments must be at least $1. Bidding will end
Sunday, December 6 at 8pm EST. If you win and are not in the Port
Huron, MI area to be able to pick it up, you will need to pay for
shipping. Thanks in advance for supporting Zoe’s cause! :^)

is a little girl named Bib and the picture of the girl in the
background is Miss Roe – the adult who takes care of the orphans. And
there is a ball, a playhouse and five pieces of candy. Bib is so very
happy! She has a great, big smile on her face! She shared a lollipop
with one of her friends, cut another lollipop in half and gave three
peppermints to her three other friends.”
Zoe has drawn this
picture to make money to give candy and small toys to needy children
through Samaritan’s Purse. It’s 8.5″ x 11″ and is in a black frame with
The current bid is $25 and bidding increments must be at
least $1. Bidding will run for a week and end Monday, December 7 at 8am
EST. If you win and are not in the Port Huron, MI area to be able to
pick it up, you will need to pay for shipping. Thanks in advance for
supporting Zoe’s cause! :^)
How precious! In a society where everything is usually all about “me”, it is so refreshing to see a small one concerned about others. Beautiful work Zoe! Keep it up!
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! Your heart is simply beautiful!! When I read what you were doing tears streamed down my face! I am 21 years olds, have compassion for others, but see that you at the age of 6, have more than me!! You are truly a wonderful, loving child! God is proud of you!! Keep drawing those BEAUTIFUL pictures!! God is using you to touch lives!!! You are doing AWESOME!!! Keep us updated!!
Zoe’s Mom and Dad, 3
WOW!!! You have raised your child sooo well!!! Thank you so much for instilling the true qualities needed to be a WORLD CHANGER for GOD in her! If parents raised up their children like you are raising yours, our world would be radically different! PLEASE continue to build her up!!! I am so encouraged by her and your parenthood. What an example you are to me as a hopfully mother someday!! God bless you both!!!
Thanks for sharing this!! What an AMAZING little girl!! Keep us posted!!
Well, first I would like to say that Zoe, you are such a beautiful and caring girl. I love helpin children, I will make a trip to your location if you ever wanted the extra help, email me if you can, I’m always willing to help a child. And by the way, very nice drawings.
Well, first I would like to say that Zoe, you are such a beautiful and caring girl. I love helpin children, I will make a trip to your location if you ever wanted the extra help, email me if you can, I’m always willing to help a child. And by the way, very nice drawings.
Hi Zoe my name is Zoe too! I am 11 and from Gonzales Louisiana think you are the most amazing thing god could give anyone! Your parents should be very proud of you(as i an sure they are!)You should also be proud of yourself! Can I just say before I go you are the cutest thing ever!