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Meet my bodyguard…
Before I left for Africa, my Mom gave myself and my teammates all cards with some scripture from Isaiah on it – and the heading, “God’s protection is my prayer.”
Well Mom, ask and you shall receive! My team and I got to South Africa (the 2nd most dangerous country in the world) and were placed into the care of who else but a former bodyguard! He hates it when we make a big deal out of it, but I must say he’s lead a very impressive life. Not only did he keep us safe all month, but he also kept us amused with all of his crazy stories (like being chased by a rhino last month, or being bitten by a lion cub when he tried to throw it in the pool as a child), kept us impressed with stories of all the celebrities he’s guarded, and kept us laughing with his incredible sense of humor!
We’ve been blessed by Kevin all month, and I just wanted to take the time to say “Thank You” (or Baie Dankie – in Afrikaans) to him, and to introduce you all to a wonderful man who’s serving the Lord here in Africa. Please lift him up in your prayers!
Kevin, thanks for everything!
WOW!~Thanks God for answering my prayer for protection for my baby girl and her team in such a MIGHTY WAY! I can ALWAYS count on God for EVERY NEED! Please thank Kevin for me and let him know how proud we are that he finally died for the only someone that could make the most AWESOME difference in his life! That “die to self so that God could be glorified and I could be the person God wanted me to be” is a really difficult thing to do…but it’s the only way God can take us and make us into that person He can use. Sounds like He’s already done that w/Kevin and that He’s using him truly for His glory! May God continue to BLESS his ministry as he continues to “inspire God’s people”! Praying for you ALL! I Love you Bunches, Mom
Hmm… nice. That’s about all I have to say.
i have been reflecting on this article of me by Yvonne Craig and I’m not wanting to give the wrong impression of my family. Firstly those were my words, so to add to that, i would like to say here that my father is a great man who has provided for ALL my needs and more. he has constantly expressed his love to me in many ways. My mother is a wonderful woman who has always been in my corner in any situation. both always encouraging me to live my dreams and follow my heart. With God, they have developed me into the man i am today. In short: I LOVE MY PARENTS! They are the BEST!