For all of you expecting to hear an “Africa” story- about the kids or the people or the ministry – sorry- that’s not what you’ll get today. What the next 3 blogs are about is what God is teaching me now, about my identity in Him. I’ve fought with whether or not to post them, and decided to go ahead, with hopes that my vulnerability will allow God to use me to break strongholds and bring freedom in the life of someone reading.
Those are three words I NEVER thought I would say! I’m a “pageant girl” after all… and very much a “girly-girl” – I LIKE makeup! If you asked me if why I wear it all the time, I’d tell you I enjoy it, and argue that my identity isn’t in it…
but I’d be lying.
Now let me stop here and say – I’m not bashing pageants – because my experiences competing have been a blessing in my life and have grown me in amazing ways. I’m also not going to go bashing makeup or jewelry or nice clothes – I’m a woman who enjoys getting all dressed up and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that! There is, however, something wrong with ANYTHING that determines your identity apart from God.
Flawless. That was my identity. Or at least it’s what I tried to be – it’s the image I tried to uphold. I feared rejection and thought acceptance came because of my image. And so – I tried to always be flawless – every hair in place and my makeup perfect. If there was a flaw I could hide it was quickly hidden away, because surely I’d be rejected if anyone else ever figured out I wasn’t really perfect!
I was “that girl” throughout high-school and college. I tried to break it once or twice – tried to prove I COULD go out without makeup… but instead of the people in my life confirming what I wanted to believe (that I was acceptable without makeup), people just made hurtful comments that hammered home what I already believed about myself – that I’m not beautiful without makeup. That lie from the enemy became truth in my life. I became enslaved.
When it came time to lead this trip, we were asked to fast something. I listened to all the options- sweets, certain foods, a mirror, makeup – – “Makeup?!” I thought. “I’ll NEVER fast that. Surely I can find something else….”
But God had other plans.
– it’s probably the one thing you DO need to fast.
This could be for 2 reasons. Either:
1- you’re identity is in it
2- you’re making it an idol in your life –
placing it above God and holding it too tightly instead of surrendering it to Him.

It took one of my beautiful girls getting vulnerable with me for God to break me. I had two that were fasting makeup, and one poured out her heart to me explaining all the reasons why. As she shared, I tried to comfort her and speak truth over her… but when I left the room I was in tears. Partially because my heart was broken for her and the bondage she was in…but mostly because I knew I was still in the same bondage myself.

That night, through tears, I made a choice. I chose to walk that road with them. I chose to get uncomfortable. I chose to go deeper.
You are beautiful! Inside and out!!! That is something that I have always known about you, and I have seen it evidenced in your life time and time again. You are an inspiration to me, and I’m sure to many others. This blog has made me think about examining what things in my life I allow to identify me other than my relationship with God. Thank you!
Omigosh – I don’t think I’ve ever seen you prettier than in the no makeup photos with your girls. Freedom from being flawless! So much is tied up in that, and we’ll have much to share when we both are back in GA. Thanks for being vulnerable enough to bare your soul – that part of us that goes with no makeup before God.
Love you,
Ericka you’re such a strong leader and amazing woman of God. It’s been a privilege to walk beside you this last year and see all the Lord has done in your life.
I’m so proud of your courage to go thru with the fast. But just remember you are still hot without your makeup!:)
2- you’re making it an idol in your life –placing it above God and holding it too tightly instead of surrendering it to Him
That’s good. We can make anything idols. But you are beautiful in Christ! If we don’t ever meet in this realm.. I know we’ll be worshiping together in heaven! LOL But yah. Thank you so much. Because we’re learning about identity in Christ from our youth pastor! It’s weird how God works on people around the same season! Keep going and thank you so much for the information!!!