
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I just had the most incredible morning at the AIM office in Swaziland! For those of you who know my stories, you will rejoice with me when I tell you I am spending the day with Kriek, just got to see Ncobile, and got to spend about an hour with Thulie and Senkhosi!
He was absolutely precious – giving me kisses and saying “I love you” and running around laughing and playing. I dressed him all up in the new clothes and shoes my mom bought (Mom, they fit PERFECTLY!) and he pranced around showing them off to EVERYONE, completely delighted! (how many American kids do you know that would be that excited about a new outfit? We take so much for granted…)
My time with them was short but sweet. I can’t express how grateful I am that God let me see that precious little boy again! Please keep him and his mom Thulie in your prayers. She looked well today and seemed to be doing better, but she has AIDS and TB, so we are just praying God will heal her so she can continue to care for her precious little boy.
I have so many more stories and pictures to share! My time camping was GREAT – I am already missing the World Racers. The video is coming along really well – Rusty is so talented! I can’t wait for you all to see the finished product!
Many more stories to share but little time today… and little time left for me here. “Goodbyes” are drawing nearer, and I can feel my heart starting to break already. Yesterday we left Nsoko and I ended up in tears on the bus realizing how soon I’m leaving Swaziland.
I know I won’t be able to hold back the tears today, tomorrow, or any of the days after I return home. I LOVE this country, and I LOVE these people. My heart is here and I won’t pretend I’m okay or put a smile on my face. I miss these beautiful children so much it hurts when I’m home. I ache to be back here when I’m away.
But I know for now I must return and do the work God has called me to do. I must leave… but I will NOT say goodbye.
A good friend told me last month that he never says goodbye. He always says “see you later” to his Christian friends, because he knows he WILL see them later – whether on earth or in heaven. And so, to all those I love here in Swaziland, I will NOT say goodbye. I am praying with my whole heart that God will allow me to return here SOON to see the people that I love again. But our lives are like a vapor, who am I to know if we will meet again on earth? Still, I WILL see them again, be it here or in eternity.
Please pray for my heart as I try to soak in every last moment here, and as I prepare to leave. Please pray God will continue to use me for His good and His glory- that I would leave a legacy of His love behind.
Please also pray comfort and safety as I travel home. We’ll be driving all day Saturday and flying all night and all day Sunday. 
Thank you just doesn’t seem enough, but THANK you for your love and support!
I love you all!
Ericka <><

3 responses to “I will NOT say goodbye…”

  1. Praying the Holy Spirit will comfort you as only He can and for your safe return. I’m so thankful for your protection while at the camp and this entire trip. Praying for the work you are leaving and the work ahead and your requests.The Lord knows the plans He has for you and your hearts desires. Praying for His perfect will in your life.
    Love you, Ms. Cherie

  2. Oh, dear friend, I want to be there with you guys SO bad right now! I’m on my way to Mexico with my family for vacation and I’ve officially decided that traveling is MUCH less fun when you’re not on your way to Africa. 😉

    Hambakahle, sisi! Can’t wait to see you when you get back.

  3. Hi, Ericka. After praying for you and the folks you are with, I began to imagine how you are probably feeling at this moment. God is perfect – He loves you and He knows your heart. You WILL be in Swaziland again soon. And He WILL continue to be victorious through your acts of Godly compassion. We wish you safe travels.

    God Bless.