For those of you who may have not seen the news of facebook or Rusty’s blog, let me update you…
I’M ENGAGED!!! Sunday night Rusty asked me to marry him and of course, I SAID YES!
The proposal was surreal- I think I’m still a little in shock! I’m an extremely hard person to surprise (some of my friends don’t like to watch TV or movies with me because I figure out what’s going to happen next and blurt it out π and Rusty is terrible at keeping secrets. Needless to say, I was really doubtful he could surprise me with something so big. Wow, was I WRONG!
I have so much to say in this blog, so instead of telling my side of the story I’ll let you hear all about the engagement from him. He does a wonderful job of explaining AND he got it all on VIDEO! So for more pictures, the video, and the full story – click here:
She said YES! (Engagement Video)
I could go on and on about how perfect the proposal was – there are so many little details about it that are unique to us that I’d love to explain. BUT, I’d rather let you in on what I’m feeling and thinking about it all. (disclaimer: it’s all mushy! haha! π
So, here’s a glimpse into my journal entry from Monday:
I keep looking at the beautiful diamond ring on my finger and getting lost in how much I love Rusty and just how perfect last night was. I look back on it all and I’m still in awe.
I never would have guessed a year and a half ago when I stepped on a plane to Africa that I would meet my future husband there!
I was taught by a very special couple that the purpose of marriage is to glorify God together. Still, I couldn’t have known (though I’d been praying for it) that God would prepare a man for me who would serve Him so faithfully. A man who would be called to missions and ministry… a man with a calling that complements mine perfectly! The thought of getting to bring Kingdom to earth at his side is more than I could have dreamed.
I prayed for years for a man who would passionately follow God’s call – at all cost. A man who would recklessly run after Him…
Rusty is exactly that; everything I’ve ever prayed for and more.
He wants God’s best for me. He reads scripture with me. He teaches me. He challenges me. He pushes me. He calls me higher. He wants me to grow in my relationship with the Lord and he does everything he can to help me grow. No, he’s not perfect, but he’s perfect for me! He truly is a changed man. A man who’s been redeemed. A man of integrity and honesty. A man who continues to desire to grow closer to God. A man who leads me well.
He prays with me and for me – taking every opportunity to pray- in the big and little things. He fights for me. Rusty fights the enemy on my behalf more passionately than anyone ever has! I feel safe with him.
He reminds me who I am. He affirms my identity in Christ. He speaks life and truth over me.
He encourages me to pursue my dreams. He supports me, even when those dreams seem crazy! He pushes me when I get fearful and he believes in me when I can’t even believe in myself.
He protects me. He takes care of me. He’s tender with me. He holds me when I cry and never condemns me for getting emotional. He’s patient with my fragile heart, and he tells me how much he needs my gift of mercy in his life.
But the thing I need the most in him is one of his most incredible qualities: HIS FAITH. He really does trust God. In a world full of people who depend on tangible things, Rusty has this beautiful, supernatural faith that seems insane! But His faith is REAL. He’s seen God move in powerful ways in his life and around the world. And he continues to expect that from God. So he is trusting God with every detail of our life – our wedding, our marriage, our future family, our finances, and all our plans and dreams and hopes and desires! He is TRULY believing and living Matthew 6:33.
Lucky for me, that kind of faith is contagious!
So, on April 18, I get to marry this wonderful, crazy, passionate, reckless, tender, challenging, faithful man of God. And for the rest of our lives, we’ll get to bring freedom and love and life and Kingdom together!
I couldn’t possibly be more thrilled or blessed to know that in just a few months, I get to be his wife.
ps- we’ll keep you updated on the wedding details. For now, we know it will be in Oxford, AL on April 18th. And YES, you’re invited! We would love to have you celebrate with us! Please keep us in your prayers as we plan the wedding and take our first steps into life together! Oh- and stay tuned for more big news coming later this week! π
Well baby I have to be the first person to post on this AMAZING blog!:) Thank you so much. I love you soon to be Ericka Jackson. And YOU make it easy for me to be ALL those things to you.
You are God’s tangible expression of GRACE in my life! Thank you:) I’m blessed more than I could have ever asked or imagined:)
How exciting and so romantic! Rusty did a great job in sweeping you off your feet and surprising. I’m so happy for you two. I will be praying for you and all that is to come.
Love you,
Ms. Cherie
YAY!!! I’m so excited for you sister! I love you and want the very best for you and I know without a doubt that this wonderful man God has put in your life is a match made in heaven! The two of you are in my prayers!
Much love sent to you and Rusty!
More big news? Girl, I don’t know how much more big news my little heart can take!!!
So excited for you, Ericka. You just look…happy. And quite princess-esque in the pictures above. Of course, I continue praying for you and Rusty both, and I also wish you every happiness because you deserve it. Love you so much!
Oh sweet Ericka!! I am so happy for you and Rusty! Thank you for this insight into your heart. Your love has been obvious since you first spoke of him. He seems quite incredible, and I can’t wait to meet him. Without a doubt, he’s an answer to so many prayers! I can’t wait to see you and your beautiful ring in person sometime soon! π YAY!! You’re getting married!!!!
Love you so much! Enjoy every second of this giddy engagement joy!! It never fully goes away, but soak it up! I wish you the best in this exciting planning period and always!
Ericka I’m soooo happy for you. I knew it was meant to be. It is so important to be with the right person, the one God makes for you. It will be exciting to see where He takes you both together.
I couldn’t be more joyful….. I LOVE YOU SISTER!!!!!!
April 18?!! DONE! marked in in my head’s calendar π yay!