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Hello friends and family …

I made it home!

Just wanted to post a quick update to let you know (sorry for not posting it sooner!) I’m pretty wiped out from my 4 plane changes, 3 time-zone changes, and 40 hours of travel time (alone with all my stuff- yikes!) – so I’m just taking a few days to rest and to try to re-adjust to this time zone and being back in America…

Then it will be blogs and videos and pictures for sure (and beginning to speak and sing for groups around the US)! So stay tuned!

In the meantime, I would ask you to please continue considering the requests I mentioned in my last blog:

1- I need opportunities to speak around the US.
These would be opportunities to raise my support, to find sponsors for
the orphans, to raise awareness about caring for orphans around the
world, and to share my mission experiences from Africa and India. This
can be for churches, church groups, youth groups, mission groups, civic
organizations, or just for a house full of friends! If you know of a
group that would be interested in having me speak, would you please Contact Me with the details?

2- I am still in need of financial supporters.
Would you please pray about partnering with me to care for
orphans? Without your support, I will be unable to
continue the mission work God has called me to. Would you consider
supporting me monthly, with a gift of $25, $50, or more if you are
able? One time gifts are also greatly appreciated! Just click here: Support Me!

As I readjust, I’ll be sorting through several hundred emails and getting back in touch with those of you who have contacted me while I was gone. Thank you so much for your patience, and for all your incredible support and encouragement! Each and every one of you is a blessing in my life! I’m so thankful for you!

In HIS hands,
Ericka <><

ps- To my amazing prayer warriors — if you’re looking for something to pray for, I will ask you to please lift up my friend Shelley and her dad. They recently found out he has colon cancer, and will be going through major surgery tomorrow at 8am. They definitely need your prayers and encouragement – I’ll be visiting her for a couple of days so if you’d like to write an encouraging comment here feel free! I’d be glad to share it with her!

12 responses to “Home from India!”

  1. Praise God for your safe return from India. I will continue to pray for the needs you shared and look forward to your blogs.

  2. Glad you are home friend…looking forward to catching up (oh…and getting my presents…ha)! Tell Shelley Im praying for her and her family. Love you!

    C 🙂

  3. Glad you had a safe trip. Such a blessing to read of your adventures, see pictures, and pray for you and the orphans (which is where my heart is too).Look forward to hearing/seeing more. Am/will be praying all your requests believing God has in store exceedingly, abundantly, above, all you can ask, think, imagine! Praying too for Shelley and her Dad…both my parents have had cancer; Mom is a four year breast cancer survivor, my Dad passed on last May after a short bout with lung cancer. Please let Shelley and her Dad know that prayers are being offered up on their behalf. Please update me on how things go…i’d like to send an encouraging note too. Take care Ericka!

  4. hey Ericka’s friends! thanks SOO much for the prayers for my dad and me at this time! They mean so much to us, and are what is sustaining/will sustain us through this difficult time. I am so thankful for being such prayer warriors, even for people you’ve never met!! I love each one of you with the love of the Lord (1 John 4:7-8)! Thanks again!!!

  5. Good to hear that you made it home safely.Cant wait till we can see some video’s from India. Brenda mentioned that you were going to post them on your site. Praise God for all the willingness you people show in serving the Lord. God Bless you as you continue to serve HIM

  6. So glad you are home and looking for to hearing from you Tues. night.
    Please share with Shelley that I will be lifting her dad to the Father in prayer. As a cancer survivor I sure know what they are going through. God is Good and He is always in control.
    Love, Janet

  7. Hey friend, glad to hear that you made it back safely. We miss you and the office is notably quieter without you. Also, we need another friend from Alabama to hate on. Can’t wait to hear all about your trip. GET SOME REST!!!

  8. For you…a comment…

    ….welcome back! Looking forward to hearing more, seeing more of your time in India.