1- “Be at peace with God’s plan whether you go or you stay”
2- “DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO GO! If He has called you, then meet him halfway! Drive to New Orleans and do EVERYTHING YOU CAN to get that passport! Keep me updated. We’ll be praying!”

The world cannot afford to lose a Will Boyd. Can you afford to help save one?
–Will Boyd
Medical Details
Will has been critically ill with Lupus since he was 18. Almost a year ago he contracted
pneumonia and the doctors consequently directed most
of their attention to his lungs. However, they failed to notice the
amount of trauma to his heart due to the Lupus. The latest biopsy tests
show that his heart is in such a weakened state that it would not be
able to be revived if he has a massive heart attack. They say his heart
could simply stop beating at any moment unless something changes.
him, but his nutritionist says there is hope. Will is now on a very
strict diet consuming lots of Kombucha, Voss, all natural foods, and
supplements every day. He has to walk about an hour every day in order
to rebuild the strength of his heart and lungs. His diet is extremely
intense and has become almost a full time job for him and his fiancé,
Elizabeth Rainey, who takes care of him 24/7.
Financial Details
Will has already racked up over $50,000 in medical debts and he does
not have that kind of money. At this point, the doctors are denying him
treatments due to his lack of funds. He has maxed out his insurance and
can’t get any more because he has pre-existing conditions (Lupus). His
bank accounts have been frozen until he pays the hospitals back. Will
is in a desperate financial position, and he needs our help.
What can we DO?
Will definitely needs our prayers. And Will needs us to act now.
Will has spent most of his life serving others selflessly, and he’s just getting started. The projects he’s working on
now are changing the world we live in. He needs more time and the world
needs more Will. This is your opportunity to save an extraordinary life. To read more or to give, click here.
Will Boyd currently lives in Huntsville, AL.
This precious saint! I will be praying the Lord will meet every need of Will and Elizabeth. Nothing is impossible with God!
Hey girl! I met Will when I was helping IC find places to show the film in Alabama way back during the first tour, and Will was the go-to guy!
I lost touch with Will over the years and started searching for him on MySpace and Facebook recently – he’s been going through my mind lately and I googled him and came across this.
What’s the latest on Will? I NEVER even knew he had lupus!! He never told me and he never seemed like he had anything like that! I’m shocked to find this out…please email me or respond back to give me the details! He is SO LOVED and he has truly touched my life and EVERYONE ELSES he has EVER KNOWN!
God bless you girl, I’m glad to know that you’re doing amazing things even though I don’t know you…it’s inspiring :-.D
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news- but Will Boys was dishonest about his illness, and a lot of other things. He took money from strangers and friends for his own personal gain. He was caught- which is why he has disappeared.
Hello Lo ! I need to get intouch with you.I will leave my email hoping you will visit this page again. I know you have the answers I m looking for. You can shed some light on the situation I am dealing with. I hope you get this and send me your email.
Do you know whatever happened to Will Boyd. We were fairly close for some time and it seems he has disappeared. Can you help?