As promised, today we are sharing our other BIG NEWS….
We bought the tickets Tuesday night, so it is OFFICIAL! We leave January 18th, and won’t return until April 28th. That’s over 3 months which adds up to…..
In essence we are ‘moving’ there – we will not be staying at a missionary base or anything like that – we will be renting our own apartment there, and buying a car to use for our time there (then selling it back when we leave).

In Thailand we’ll be partnering with a Thai couple and an American couple who have been doing ministry there for 10 years. We’ll be working with two children’s homes – one that already exists, and one that is ‘in progress’. For the second, there’s a chance that we might even be able to help build it!
These couples are dear friends of Rusty’s, and he is SO excited to have this opportunity to serve them. He worked with them in 2007 and 2008 when the World Race went to Chaing Mai, and he’s extremely passionate about them and their ministry!

There are other things we are hoping to do while in Thailand – village ministry, bar ministry (ministering to women in the sex trade), possibly helping with World Race teams that come through, and any other needs God opens our eyes to. We are going to bring Kingdom, and we know God will direct our paths!
Now you see why it is SO important that we make the purchases I explained yesterday. The Sound of Hope needs to be 100% up and running so that we are able to provide for the orphan programs there and share the stories of the people we meet in Thailand. In order to share those stories though, we have to have the media equipment we need (camera, computer, editing software). So please, please pray about giving to our needs!
There are two ways you can support us in this venture. The first is to give to our support account. We still desperately need monthly support and one time gifts! This is how we get paid to continue to do this work, and how we’ll get reimbursed for our tickets to Thailand. We bought the tickets on our credit card in faith that God would provide, so we are currently in debt $2,600 for them. To give towards these needs, click HERE. (or, if you’d like to write us a personal check toward the cost of the tickets, contact me).
The second way to help us is to give towards our Sound of Hope needs. As I explained yesterday, we need a total of $6,250 to move forward. The full breakdown is below:
- $1550 – Legal fees & Filing fees
$2000 – Camera
$1500 – Macbook pro- $200 – Quick books (software for our bookkeeping/accounting needs)
- $1000 – Final Cut Pro (software for Rusty’s video editing)
3130 Range Road
Port Huron, MI 48060
*in the memo line, write “SOH – ADMIN” if you’d like the money to go towards our start up needs listed above.
Please keep us in your prayers as we move forward!
I am so excited for the journey that God has set out for you and Rusty. I will continue to pray for the Sound of Hope and for your future trip to Thailand.
I am currently looking to do a garage sale here in Las Vegas, Nevada. I wanted to donate my proceeds to you. As soon as I have more information on it, I will let you know.
God Bless,
Amanda Porter
this is so exciting!!! it was awesome to meet the Wards when they were here. what a great connection. i know this is going to be a life changing trip for you and Rusty and for The Sound of Hope!