Dear Solid Rock Church,
First of all, let me say that I’m sorry your “Touchdown Jesus” statue was struck by lightening and burned to the ground. As a Christian, I’m never a fan of burning or destroying anything in the image of Christ, and I’m sure that must have been traumatic for you. I’m so glad no one was hurt and your church can be repaired!
The real reason I am writing though, is to beg you NOT to build the statue back. I know you probably think that’s an odd request coming from a Christian, but please hear me out.

I’m sure you had great reasons for building the “King of Kings” statue (also known as “Touchdown Jesus”). I read online that you wanted to build it to be a “beacon of hope and salvation”. Unfortunately, 75% of people polled from your city said they consider it to be an eyesore. So, today I am asking you to consider NOT rebuilding.
You see, I read in this article that the statue was insured at the cost of $300,000. From what I understand of insurance, that means you’ll be given that 300,000 to cover the damage. I am begging you to consider using that money for something different than to rebuild.
As a missionary, I know there is SO much good that $300,000 could do in the world! You could feed the hungry, build homes for the homeless, care for orphans in need, or provide medical attention to those who can’t afford it.
These are just a few ideas – the possibilities are endless! With a sum of money that large, you could bless THOUSANDS of people!
As Christians, I believe it is so important that we focus on BEING
Jesus to people instead of building statues and buildings to make Jesus
look impressive. Jesus was never impressed by beautiful buildings or grandiose statues. It is our job to bring HOPE to the world, and you have an AMAZING opportunity to do that with this money!
I urge you, before you decide to rebuild, please go back to scripture. Re-read the verses that say:
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to
look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself
from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27)
your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves
that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be
exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Luke 12: 33-34)
This letter is not meant to condemn you in any way, but to encourage you to make a lasting difference in the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Please, use the money for something that moth, rust and thieves (and lightening) will not destroy. Use it to bring real HOPE to those in desperate need. We are praying that you will do the right thing!
Your sister in Christ,
Ericka Jackson
Port Huron, MI
*If you agree with this letter, please “sign it” with your name, city, and state (and feel free to leave a comment) in the comments section below! We are hoping to get enough ‘signatures’ to make this church consider changing their mind!
There are so many great possibilities as to how to use this money. Please think long and hard of all the good that can come of it. You can be life changers for many people. God Bless you!
I’ll Amen all the above.
Thanks you for the respectful letter, I pray this church makes a wise decision and impacts other churches nearby to use Gods resources wisely.
Isabel Maldonado
Dallas, Texas
Tonya Wallace
Good Hope, Georgia
I agree. Please use the money wisely.
Sharon Price
Harrodsburg, KY
Most definitely give that money to charity.
-Grant T. McGuire
Please reconsider. You have such an opportunity to be WORLD changers!
~ Jessica Demary, Oklahoma
That money could feed and clothe so many people!
-Jesse D. Germany
-Vincennes, Indiana
ummm – yes. Michelle McBeath, Washington, DC
Asha House in India needs $300,000 to buy one acre of land …otherwise their orphanage will be shut down and the 34 children that live there will be sent back to the streets. This is a new law that India has passed that to be up and running organizations need to own land and the Asha house has been renting….since land is so expensive. Please save the children from the danger of being pimped and prostituted.
Helen Chalmers- Gainesville, GA
please help save the orphans in India!
Amen!!! Touchdown Jesus should stay down for the count this time…
Laura 🙂
I don’t think The King of Kings is going to be impressed by an image taking priority over the people he came to die for.
Please use this money to further the cause of Christ in a tangible way. There are so many starving in the world and I particularly have a heart for orphans. Please use the money to support missionaries like I will soon be full-time, who will bring the gospel of hope to the nations!
Please use that money to help the needy!!
Please consider giving the money to charity this would be a great way to give children food/shelter/and clothes to those who really need them I Believe God would rather have that done with the money rather than have a “Touchdown Jesus” statue put back up after all whos money is it really not yours not ours but our heavenly fathers money he gave it so please help the needy thats what Jesus would do after all he did give his life for all of us to live so help others live!!!! Please Reconsider what you were gonna do with the money and do something like this instead after all is it for your glory or his?!!! His is the answer!!!!!!! =) Thank you and God bless.
Use the money for the work of the kingdom, not a statue in His image. The King of Kings would rather the money go to good than a statue of fiberglass.
Wow ~ I remember seeing this when we drove up to Michigan last summer. I NEVER in my wildest dreams could have imagined that it was insured for that amount of money. I most definitely feel that it should NOT be rebuilt and that the insurance money should be given to charity…along with a lot more money that this church obviously must also be blessed to have within it’s congretation. I can only hope and pray that they freely support missions both at home and around the world if they have been so blessed with this kind of financial wealth!
Please. Starving babies in Africa…seriously.
Caitlin Woodward
Georgia, USA
I agree with all the comments above!! Since I myself have spent time with the orphans @ Asha House in India I would definately say thats an awesome idea! But I also realize there are MANY more who could use that money as well! My prayer is that you will bring this before God, and allow Him to guide you and show you what He wants you to do with this large sum of money!!! After all, like Travis has mentioned, it is God Who gave it to you in the first place!! May the Lord of all creation be with you and guide you!!! God Bless!!!!
Oh and im from:
La Crete, Alberta
Please give the money to charity – it’s the Christian thing to do.
– Dominique N. Kun
Robinson, Illinois
Tawnysha Greene
Knoxville, TN
BE the beacon of hope and salvation! You don’t need a statue. You can just be a beacon to the neighborhood through action.
Jen Schwab
Loudon, NH
Your tragedy could be the hope that many who are suffering have waited for. Perhaps the strike happened in order to give your church that opportunity. I know you’ll do the right thing.
Casie Fedukovich
Knoxville, TN
Amen and amen.
Matthew Snyder
Gainesville, GA
Kat and Thomas Gray
Auburn, Alabama
Please consider eternal things not physical.
becky miller
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Ericka is speaking from her heart, and I know certainly not seeking the money for herself. However, I can’t think of a better way to spend the money than supporting her ministry as she truly does live James 1:27.
Please… please.. do not build another statue of Jesus like that. Jesus was humble, not extravagent. Please use the money wisely, and help so many ppl with it, just as Jesus wld. Thankyou… Blessings.
Your Sister in Christ,
Sherrie Semmens.
Tasmania, Australia.
I have seen this statue, which is massive. I wonder if it really reaches the lost. I agree that using that money for other causes would be a better use. Please consider not rebuilding this massive statue.
Amani Children’s Center in Tanzania ( use the money saved from deciding not to rebuild to feed, clothe, shelter, educate, counsel, and change the lives of street children in and around the city of Moshi. Please prayerfully consider your decisions…
Gina Olsen
What a great idea.
~A.J. Huffman, Monticello, Arkansas
Amanda Porter
Lubbock, Texas
Who needs a statue when there are hundreds of thousands of people in Haiti without a home and the weather service is predicting 14-23 NAMED tropical storms this season. Seriously, do we need a statue or do these people need homes???
Don’t do it Solid Rock Church
Teri Gunnink ~ Gainesville, GA
Please give the money to charity! The Sound of Hope is a great one!
What else needs to be said? Nothing is random. What is God doing and saying? Listen to the Body of Christ AND the unbelievers themselves. People need to BE Jesus with skin on and NEED to experience Jesus with skin on. I say “amen” to all that has been said, and these were things on my heart before I read any of these comments.
I heartily agree! This is a wonderful opportunity to impact souls in a lasting and meaningful way for thousands, but it’s also an opportunity to negatively impact millions of non-believers’ oppinion of our faith by rebuilding. Please choose love; don’t rebuild.
PLEASE don’t rebuild! Take the insurance money and invest in the people who you choose need it most around the world, in our own country or both. Blessings!
I am a student at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, TX and I have seen and heard stories around the US and the world of missionaries giving their lives for the gospel, children being sold into sex slavery, Native American families living without food, water and electricity and the list goes on. Honestly if you choose to rebuild that stone image you in my opinion would be forsaking the gospel “good news” of Jesus Christ. He did not come that we may have graven images (statues) He came that we may have abundant life Jhn 10:10. The American Church need awakening not a statue. Please reconsider, count the cost, pray and consult God on what He would have you do with His money.
PS God holds the lighting in His hands, maybe He’s trying to get your attention 🙂
Please donate to the poor and needy!
I strongly encourage the members of this church to get down on their knees and pray about what God’s will is for them to do with the insurance money they will surely receive for this statues. I am sure the statue was built with good intent to remind those that might have viewed it, that we as Christians believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus preaches that we are not to worship idols in His image. He also preaches that we should be good stewards of this earth, our monies, our time, and to care for those less fortunate. I am confident that God will lead the people of this congregation to use this money as HE sees fit, if they will only listen to His guidance. There are so many people worldwide that are so much less fortunate than most of us can imagine. No matter which ministry they might choose to support, many, many people stand to benefit from their bounty. The best testimony we can give to non-Christians is the way we use those gifts to help those who are in desperate need. I pray that that money is used to carry out HIS will.
I vote Asha House in India too!
Shawna Spratt
Redding California
Yes Care for the orphans in India or give it to a team going to Haiti.
Gloria Spratt
I agree wholeheartedly!
Doyle Wallace
Good Hope, Georgia
Your money would be much better-spent on missions. Please reconsider.
I agree with Noelle, maybe GOD was trying to tell us something. We don’t need another statue to tell us about GOD, we need money to help the people that give their lives to GOD to do the missionary work. They are away from their friends and family in a foreign land and they see all the hurt and the hunger of the poor especially the children. They try to tell them about Jesus and the money would do so much good and go so far to feed and clothe people who cannot afford such luxuries as we do here. Please consider helping the orphanages so the children will not end up on the street begging for food.
Lonsdale, MN
Kelsey Menke
Pflugerville, Texas
i completely agree – please reconsider using the money for those that are truly in need of it
Cleveland, Ohio
Nicole Burns
West Lafayette, IN
It’s obvious God didn’t take much of a liking to the statue, or else he wouldn’t have BURNED IT DOWN. I mean really, being a church, and seeing a statue that you built struck by lightining and burned down has gotta make you reconsider your decision to build the statue in the first place, let alone rebuild it!
Yes, please reconsider!! giving the money to an organization or children in this world who are hungry would be a great example of Christ! -Florida
Please use the $$ to “be Jesus”.
Kayla Phillips
Gainesville, GA
Yes, definitely I’m praying that God would lead you to use the money for His Kingdom in a tangible way that could touch so.o.o.o.many lives. Julie
Please use the money to actually help people!
Please leverage the money for something eternal. If God wants a massive statue re-built, I’m sure He’ll make provision for it.
Jared Young
Atlanta, GA
Please reconsider the use of these funds. Jesus is not glorified through a statue of himself. He is glorified when we use what He has given us to help those around us in need. There are so many people hurting that could be helped in such a big way!
I agree, do not rebuild. I have seen firsthand the impoverishment of children in Guatemala. There are so many that are malnourished and that amount of money could put food on the plates of many, many starving people.
I 100% support your idea Ericka!
Mandy McDaniel-Stack
I sign in love. Praying that God will lead you to the exact purpose HE has for this money. There are many places that could be helped significantly. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will lead you to be an answer to a prayer that will glorify the Lord!!!
Kara Burrows
Tulsa, OK
I agree that the money should be used to support missionaries instead of rebuilding the statue.
Yes, I add my agreement to this request. What a testimony to your area for the cause of Christ and to the world, if you were to invest this money in Kingdom work and not in a replacement statute.
There are so many other people and organizations that could use your help with those funds. Please don’t rebuild!
Jessica Lunsford
Pensacola Beach, FL
Spend the money on missions. Or help people in your congregation get out of debt.
$300,000 can be leveraged to shine the Gospel into many dark places.
As an artist, I do believe we should make beautiful things that glorify the Lord, after all, the Lord blessed Bezalel with all kinds of talent to create the tabernacle and all that was within it. (Ex. 31). – But I believe, if Jesus was standing next to the board that is deciding the fate of the insurance money, He would encourage you to do something with it for people. He would encourage your to love your neighbor. I agree with Mrs. Jackson.
Abby McCabe
Cary, North Carolina
hmmmm. Touchdown Jesus is a pretty easy target. I wonder if we are willing to consider what each one of us waste in our own lives that could be used for Kingdom? $300g doesn’t even make a drop as compared to the amount of money spent on our personal comfort, entertainment, grooming, transportation, starbucks, sports, _____________ (really…just fill in the frikk’n blank)… not to mention what churches spend on big buildings that are empty except a couple days a week! I wished that TDJ was the problem. I would sign, but then I would have to do something about my own contribution to waste. I’m gonna have to think about it.
The money should go to all of those in need. During these tough times, all this money would be wasted when it could be going to GOD’S PEOPLE! What good will a statue do? Something very expensive to look at. With the poverty, job loss, and now this massive oil spill… our people are in great need of help. I think the Lord would bless your church in greater ways if you do not rebuild it and you put the money to greater use. Being from Alabama, I know too many people who are in great need of help as a result of the economy and now this oil spill. Fisherman are out of work and so are all businesses that make their living on tourist season, which is NOW! I know this is not the only cause worth investing your money in, but helping any cause(s) will be smiled upon more than building a huge statue. May God bless you and keep you.
Kaila East
Definitely use the $300,000 for a better cause.
Patti Radzik
Northville, Michigan
Please use the money to help those in need. We should not need a large statue of Jesus to show our Christian Faith we should show it in the way we live our daily lives.
I am concerned for a church that thinks that kind of statue is at all necessary. It’s actually an embarrassment and doesn’t represent Christ at all. Could you ever see Jesus being pleased with an enormous statue of himself? He called us to simplicity and humility. This status is the exact opposite of both those things. Please do not rebuild it, and maybe consider that there may have been a reason it was struck down to begin with.
An article I read about your church and statue, stated the pastor’s wife felt led by God to have the statue built in the first place. Now that it has been destroyed, I would encourage you to go before God and ask Him what He wants you to do. He most likely already has a plan for what you should do next. Please fervently seek Him out and then follow His wishes. It may be a difficult thing to do with everyone giving their opinions of what should be done, BUT it’s the best thing. Follow God! It’s His $ anyway 🙂
Maysville, MO
The Statue is a beacon of light…wow. Let’s be followers of Jesus and do the right(scriptural)thing. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and help the orphans and widows!
p.s…. Followers of Jesus don’t need to look anymore idiotic!
$300,000 could be used to build houses & churches,give bibles,clothes & food to SOO many families around the world. I pray that this money is spent more faithfully used. 1 john says that if we have money/material possessions and see a brother in need and dont help them out when we can…that God’s love is not in us. There are needy people in America & around the world.
Please use the money to put the unconditionally loving heart of Christ in action! Help the hopeless, hurting people in the world. If you’ve done it to the least of these…
That money could help a lot of people that are suffering in this world and that don’t know Jesus.
Courtney M.
Reidsville, NC
Please consider using this money for helping people in need.
Sherri Alder
Atlantic, IA
Please use the money to help the poor and those in need of salvation!
Anna Marr
Austin, Texas
It’s cliche… but what do you think Jesus would do with $300,000!?
I don’t think he’d build a statue of himself.
Ryan Stewart
Nishinomiya, Japan
Julie Studer
Toledo, Ohio
Lauren Stair
Olive Branch, MS
Bless do some serious prayer and seek God’s will for the insurance money. As it is really HIS money given to you not yours! Ask him what he wants you to do with it! I suggest you look at the comments posted on the secular news sites. Most of them are from non-Christians who did not look at the statue “as a beacon of Hope and Salvation” as you wanted but a waste of money and showy. Our God is a great and powerful BIG God and I’m sure your intentions behind the original statue were to portray that, unfortunately that’s not what came across. Christ came in a humble way and put himself last to show he was the kind of kings. That is what set him apart from all the other so-called “gods”. Christ came to love and serve the little people. The day will come when ALL will see his greatness, it is now that we must use our time, talent, and treasures (money), to further his kingdom and reach the lost. A statue can only stand as a beacon of his glory to people who already KNOW him. Please seek HIM on this decision!! May God bless you
Matt Patch
-Greer, SC
Please reconsider! Thanks -Courtney Mullican
Lisha Li
Birmingham, AL
Just allow yourself to imagine for a few moments the amount of real help your $300,000 could give to the widowed, the orphans, the needy, the unloved. Take a moment and dream… and then do what our God calls us to do as believers. It’s really a no brainer!
Valley, Al.
Lacey Pauley
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mark Schandel
North Augusta, SC
Emily Rees
Owings Mills, MD
Jessica McVey
Gainesville, GA
We bless you Solid Rock Church! Kingdom Come!
Jenny Telfer
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Michenzie Motl
Omaha, Nebraska
I believe that the best opportunity we have to draw people to Christ is to let His life flow through ours. I’m not opposed to nice things, and if you have a big church you need a big building. But if people need a giant statue in the front lawn to declare the presense of the Lord in that church, than I have to question whether He lives in that church at all. Christ should be so evident in the church that people are drawn in if there’s not even a sign on the door. If the needs of orphans, refugees, slaves, widows… aren’t on your heart, than perhaps rebuilding the heart of the church from the ground up would be a good place to start.
Hello Faith Church,
I represent “The Refuge” children’s home in a refugee camp in northern Thailand. We need 2,000 to fix a floor before the rainy season causes major damage. Please consider a proper sacrifice with the money you receive. We are also planning to buy more property and build a second children’s home this year. We are working with Karen tribal people who are persecuted for their Christianity. The world needs a better representation of God’s love than a statue.
Amen! Please use that money to help others and spread the message of Jesus Christ. People don’t need at statue to be a beacon of hope. They need Jesus Christ to be their hope.
Sarah Legg
Cincinnati, Ohio
You dont have to have a giant butter Jesus to show people your “Spiritual”
Please use this money to meet practical needs to show the love of Jesus. Thanks!
Steph Davis, WV
Please, use the money where it’s needed, not for a statue.
Please use the money wisely, Bo Bradshaw
Shelly Daniels, Cincinnati, Ohio- I agree completely!!! Give the money to those in need instead of rebuilding the statue!!!!
Mary Bean Griffin, GA
I agree!!
I completely agree – there is so much that we could be doing as believers. If we (the church as a whole) don’t send a message to nonbelievers that we actually believe the Bible and have no desire to serve ourselves, then our example to the world is useless. I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but if lightning struck this statue, I have to believe God was sending a powerful message, considering He is the Creator of all and commands the wind and the waves (and lightning). His Name is holy and depicting Him in images that could be “worshiped” is a serious offense to His Name.
Annah grace and Jefforey morgan
Helena, al
Laura Olds
Auburn, AL
Use the money to help those in need and bring kingdom to them.
Joshua Robinson
Yale, Michigan
Great post! I concur
There are much better uses for money then statues. Please take this opportunity you have been given.
Laura Johnston
Ontario, Canada
Melinda Nelson
Beulah, MI