picture in my mind of orphans handprints on the wall (as art). I shared
the vision with my boss, and the next thing I

to Swaziland with some of our missionary teams! In just a short time
“Hands of Hope” was born. “Hands of Hope” is orphan artwork, made from
the children’s handprints painted on fabric. We have them in all sizes,
and this week I spent several days trimming them and painting “Hands of
Hope, Swaziland” on each piece. They will be for sale soon online, with
all the proceeds going to care for orphans. I hope they’ll serve as a
reminder to pray for these precious children, as well as a unique piece
of decor for your home, school, or office!
explanation I have for why I let my stylist chop 3+ inches off my hair!
Since 11th grade (when I cut 13 inches off for Locks of Love) I swore I
would keep my hair long. After going in for a trim this week, I somehow
came out with MUCH shorter hair then I had planned!!! Rusty loves it,
but unfortunately I hate it. I’m hoping it grows back quickly!
‘Jackson Family Tradition’! On Saturday, Auburn (my college) plays
Arkansas (Rusty’s college). We’ve been looking forward to this game for
MONTHS! We are planning to start a tradition by going to the game
together each year (saving skymiles & worldpoints to make our trip
nearly free). It’s an awesome opportunity to see family, friends, and
our college campus! Plus, we both LOVE COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!! (especially
OUR college football!) This game will determine bragging rights for one
of us for the next YEAR… soooo… WAR EAGLE & GO HOGS! (We’ll let
you know how the saga ends next week! 😉

football game, we are taking the opportunity to visit several of our
dear friends and supporters. Lucky for me, they all have ADORABLE
little girls to play with! Last night we stayed with Josh & Kristy
Fleming, and got to play with their precious little girl Carly. This
weekend we are staying with Chris & Carrie Tucker, and their two
beautiful little girls Jane and Mae. I am loving all things pink &
princess and all three adorable girls!
lot too 😉 Thanks guys for being our Arkansas Hotels!

Monday, unpacking, repacking, and flying down for Training Camp on
Wednesday, so prayers for safe travel are appreciated. In the meantime,
I’m decked out in my orange and blue waiting to see my Tigers play!!! WARRR EAGLE!!!!
Two thumbs up on the Hands of Hope idea, Ericka! Hope there’s a ton of interest!!!!
Continuing to pray for you and Rusty!
Miss Sue
Hey… so I guess Rusty has the bragging rights this year, huh? wow. Well, Jerrod & I send a hardy “War Eagle” your way! Great job on the Hands of Hope. That’s a brilliant idea. I am working on a few Art Auction ideas with a local church — & will need a charity to send the proceeds to. We will probably support a local mission with 50% of proceeds and a foreign with the other 50%. I will keep you guys in mind. Thanks Ericka!!