when skies are GRAY’ definitely apply in Port Huron! We do NOT get much
sun here. According to the map below, we are in the gray area of only
about 2,000 hours of sun a year! That means about 2/3 of our year is
clouds and gray skies. Not good when I am used to the sunny south!!!
Luckily, God decided to bless us with SUNSHINE this week! I have not sunshine like that in MONTHS. It has been
GLORIOUS! Almost all the snow has melted, and it actually hit 59 Thursday! WHOO HOO! Come on Spring! Of course it is gray again today,
and this weekend the lows are in the 20’s ๐
of Hope. I am orchestrating a HUGE Yard Sale to raise money for
orphans, and for our church’s Mexico mission trip! The economy has been
hit hard in this area, so we needed a fundraiser that would help the
community, instead of just take money (that few people have to spare).
So, we are hoping people will do some spring cleaning and donate their
stuff to sell! Then our shoppers will get to buy things at a low cost,
and the proceeds all go to missions! We have a lot of work to do over the next few weeks to
make this a success. Please pray God will bless our efforts and give us
a great turn out of donations and shoppers!
month, and what he found was, unfortunately, not good. My neck is
apparently curved the wrong way! I had no idea what a big problem this
could be. I’ve gotten a couple of other opinions from chiropractor
friends and they all agree that this does not need to go untreated.
Apparently it can cause a whole list of health problems now (like the
painful muscle spasms I’ve been struggling with the past year, and
problems like bronchitis, headaches, and a weak immune system, which I
struggled with most of my life) and if left untreated can cause bad
arthritis and degeneration as I get older. I’m SO thankful they were
able to find it now, when it can still be corrected! Please pray for
HEALING first and foremost, wisdom for my doctor, and that my body
will cooperate with the treatment.

thing our church definitely has going for it… we like to LAUGH! Below is a
hilarious video piece Rusty did for his 2nd job (with the church). The
series this month is entitled “Walking Exposed”. It’s all about honesty
and vulnerability, which can be tough things for people to step into.
To lighten the mood, Rusty put together this video ‘EXPOSING’ our
assistant pastor Doug Haney. Hope you enjoy it!
Haney EXPOSED from Rusty Jackson on Vimeo.
too important to add into this little update. So, have a great weekend and STAY TUNED next week as
we reveal something we’re very excited to share with you! (and no, we’re not pregnant. haha! ๐
Hi sweet friend! I’m sorry to hear about your neck… Your x ray unfortunately looks a little like mine. Reverse curvatures are a pain in the neck… No pun intended! Glad to hear you are in chiropractic care… If you’re not already, make sure you’re on an ice regimen and some treatment for the spasms. Trigger point injections are one way to go. I had to get the muscular issues fixed in addition to alignment. Just words of advice from a friend whose spine has acted 80 years old for years! Haha! Glad to see that you got some sunshine! If it makes you feel better… Alabama as had record rain and clouds this year… So you’ve not missed much southern sun!! I pray the yard sale fundraiser goes well. Just a suggestion for Anything left over… Go virtual with Craigs list or eBay! Wish you all the best, dear! Love and miss you!