for being out of touch the past couple of weeks! Here’s our VERY late
‘Friday update’ (yes, on Wednesday) for the Christmas Season! We’ll stick with a theme – all our updates to the ‘tune’ of Christmas Songs!

drive home on Friday morning (the 18th). No snow on the ground, no ice
or snow falling… the weather was perfect for driving! That is…
until we hit the SOUTH! We’d been in the car for about 9 hours and were singing ‘Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow’ when it started!
It ended up snowing SO hard that they closed the roads in southern
Kentucky!!! After re-routing an extra 4 hours to Nashville, we called
it a night. A BIG THANK YOU to the Ward family for giving us a free
place to stay at the last minute! It was an unexpected blessing to see
my friend Tyler and to meet his beautiful wife and family!
Saturday morning, we FINALLY made it home for Christmas! After a week in Alabama (my home), we drove home for Christmas again to
Arkansas (Rusty’s home). So far, we have traveled around 1,350 miles
(over 25 hours in the car!) We are so thankful for all your prayers
that kept us safe in bad weather & traffic! Please keep praying for
our travels around Arkansas and our trip back to Michigan! (Jan 3-4)
time, this truly has been a wonderful visit with friends and family!!!
We’ve kept ourselves busy with family get-togethers and trying to see
as many friends as possible (for those we missed, we hope we see you
next time!)We’ve been spoiled with lots of presents and yummy food… it’s great to be with the ones we love! (and back in the land of SWEET TEA & CHICK-FIL-A!) THANK YOU to everyone who made this trip special, and a special thanks to our parents & family!
new baby cousin Michael! He is adorable, and we’re so glad we got to
see him (and his parents ๐

hometown church the Sunday before Christmas. I sang my grandmother’s
favorite song, “O Holy Night” and also “Mary Did You Know”. It was
great to see the church family I grew up with, and to get to sing again!
come South, Rusty and I had ‘our Christmas’ at home. We exchanged
presents, had his favorite roast for dinner, and watched Christmas
movies. I surprised him with his ‘big’ gift – a makeover for his
mancave! Rusty’s ‘mancave’ is a corner of our unfinished basement in
our rented home. I re-did it in an Arkansas theme, including curtains I
made for him, and an Arkansas Razorback blanket I made for him. I know it’s far from ‘Extreme Home Makeover’, but I did the best I could with a rented home and small budget. He was
SO excited! A big THANK YOU to Kim & Patrice, the ‘Christmas Elves’
that helped me redecorate! You can see the ‘before and after’ pictures
it’s getting a little long so I’ll bring it to a close! We are enjoying
a few more days in Arkansas before starting the long drive back to
Michigan. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy the pictures