who don’t know. I guess he’s not a baby anymore though, since he turned
18 on Monday! I can’t tell you how proud I am of him. He has grown up
into a wonderful young man; smart, kind, generous, compassionate, and
brave enough to stand up for what he believes in. We love you Jaron!
Amazon a few weeks ago and have really started using it this month. Oh
BOY is it a WORK OUT! I can’t keep up with it full out yet, but I am
trying. The funny thing is EVERYTHING HURTS! (I thought it was only
supposed to be my abs?! haha!)
OUR FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE!!! We don’t have many Christmas decorations
for our home, so I am trying to get creative. So far I found some cute
things at Dollar Tree and Hobby Lobby, and we were especially thankful
to find a nice, used Christmas Tree for only $35 off Craigslist! YES!
If you have any other cheap Christmas decoration ideas, feel free to
post them below 🙂
our work days, since you might be wondering what we’re up to. Rusty is still recruiting for The World Race and is on
the phone pretty much all day everyday. He spends time sharing with potential missionaries, talking with them about where God is leading them, and praying with them. He is using his Pastoral skills and he is loving it! (And
God is working through him in some awesome ways!) I am still working on
support raising for us – writing letters and sending prayer cards out
in hopes of more support soon. PLEASE PRAY FOR PROVISION! We’ve had
several new supporters in recent months, but we still went ‘into the
red’ in October. Until we have the support we need, I can’t go back to full-time orphan fundraising. SO, if you know anyone who could give, please TELL A
FRIEND about us!
going, we can tell you that the 220 missionaries out on the field are
truly bringing LIFE around the world! LITERALLY. This week, 5 World
Race girls helped deliver a BABY in the back of a van in Swaziland. CAN
YOU BELIEVE IT?! Talk about BRINGING LIFE! The best part is, they got to
name the precious little girl they delivered. They truly believe she is
going to bring HOPE to her country. Want to read all about it? Check
out the blog here: Hope was born in White Chocolate.