This is our once-a-week blog where we catch you up on the random details of our life.
Check it out below!
Murder Mystery in Margaritaville. Last
weekend we were invited to our very first ‘Murder Mystery Night’. If
you’ve never heard of these (I hadn’t) it’s a theme party with a
‘mystery’ to solve in it. Every person invited has a ‘character’ to
play, and one gets ‘murdered’ at the party. Then it’s up to the rest of
us to figure out who did it! It’s kind of like a big, life-size game of
CLUE. Rusty’s character was Lucky, the Lottery Winner and I was Izzie the
Island Girl! Even though it was
FREEZING outside (only a high of 40 that day) we still had a lot of
fun! I love any kind of theme party – dressing up and playing a
character is one of my favorite things to do!

Our host & hostess :: Coconut Joe, his wife, and one of their little coconuts!
(also known as Todd & Shanona Angell & little Tori!)
A few of the ‘characters’ :: (left to right) Candy Cotton & her millionaire boyfriend Thurston (our Pastor Mark & his wife Tracee) and Tatum the Tattoo Artist & Sandy the Surfer (our worship leader Ryan and his wife Tina)

Tatum the Tattoo Artist gave me an “I Love Lucky” temporary tattoo
(Lucky was Rusty’s character)
(The lifeguard did it!)
Talk Radio. Today, Rusty and I went to the local radio station to voice a commercial. It
was so much fun using our past experience for a good cause (Rusty’s TV
& radio experience, my Communication degree + my experience doing
TV, radio, etc from my pageant days). We were able to work together to
write the commercial and then voice it together. The commercial was to
advertise the “For Our Lives 5K” – a fundraiser for single parents in
our area. It’s an event our church is hosting in May, and I think it’s
such a great idea! It was a lot of fun to be a part of it!
Here Comes Peter Cottontail. That’s right – the Easter Bunny already came to our house! My sweet mom just can’t let a holiday go without sending us a treat (I wonder where I get my love of themes, presents, and making things for people? 😉 so last week she sent us an Easter Basket! It’s been sitting on our counter for days, just waiting to be opened. I can’t wait until Sunday when we get to tear into it….I love Easter candy! Thanks Mom!
Good Friday. Of course, we cannot forget the TRUE meaning of Easter, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. My favorite song for this season is Nichole Nordeman’s “Why”. I’ve sung it several times at Easter, and it took hours of practice before I could make it all the way through without crying! I have only seen my Daddy cry a few times in my life, and once was when I sang this song. It is such a beautiful representation of what our Savior went through for us. You can see the moving video below:
Sunny Sick Days.
The GOOD NEWS from this week is, it’s SUNNY and WARM! The high today is
77, WAHOOO!!! It is BEAUTIFUL! The BAD NEWS is, I’m sick. BLAH. Two days ago I started
having trouble breathing, which I think is another bad side effect from
these chiropractic adjustments. (another example of ‘it has to get
worse before it gets better’). The same day I started coming down with
what I think is a sinus infection – swollen glands, swollen nose and
swollen face under my eye. YUCK. Luckily I had an appointment with my chiropractor today. Getting
adjusted definitely helped with the breathing, and he gave me a
supplement that will hopefully help me kick this infection! Prayers for a QUICK recovery would be
appreciated! It is no fun to be sick!
The World Race Update Report. This
is a new project Rusty has been working on. The plan is to create a
news style report once a month that shares stories from The World Race.
It’s a great opportunity for Rusty to use his TV experience writing and
helping to edit the piece, but he’s MOST excited about being back in
the anchor chair! He and his team (Kim Daniels & Katie Rowland)
have been working hard on this and the first one is finished! They did
a GREAT job – check it out here!
Hope you all have a wonderful GOOD FRIDAY and a HAPPY EASTER!
I love the song “why” as well! It’s absolutely my favorite Easter song. But VERY tough to get through without tears!! Hope you’re feeling better! Miss you!