It’s that time again….time for our FRIDAY UPDATE!
Home Sweet Home. WE MADE IT HOME! Thanks so much for all your prayers last week as we were on the road. We’re so glad to be back home, and have spent the past few days trying to catch up from our week away. Rusty has had the phone glued to his head recruiting missionaries, and I’m still chipping away at all those support letters! Please keep praying that God will provide the support we need!
Meet PUDGE! The entire World Race staff (except us) is overseas right now in Romania for a worship conference called the Awakening. We stayed home because we’re broke (as you know from our support raising updates). The GOOD thing is, it’s a nice time of rest for us after all this travel. Also, we are taking care of answering the office phones for The World Race. And finally, WE GOT PUDGE! Pudge is Michael and Kathy’s precious dog. We are doggy-sitting him for a week and a half while they’re gone. He is super cute, and we’re glad to have a little furry friend at home!
Miss America, Disney, & BBQ. In the midst of our travels last weekend, we were able to squeeze in a last minute visit with two of my dear girlfriends,
Katie and Annah Grace. It was WONDERFUL to see them, especially since it’s been 5 months since I’ve seen any of my friends down South! In about an hour and a half we’d covered every topic from life updates, to Miss America, to Auburn football- all over a plate of BBQ. And of course, only
REAL friends will sing Disney songs with you in public! haha! Girls- our time together was
SO good for my homesick heart! Thank you for coming!
(And God bless my husband who dealt with my tears for an hour after we said goodbye!)
Fire Hazards. We got a letter in the mail this week that my Explorer has a recall. Apparently, there is a part under the hood that could “burst into flames at any moment”. We also found out that there were stripped wires outside our house that could “burst into flames at any moment.” (Wow, good thing we installed those smoke detectors last month!) We’re really thankful God has kept us safe until now! Rusty made an appointment to get the car fixed next week. As for the house…
Home Improvement. Luckily our “fire hazard” has been taken care of by our handy-man! We are SO blessed to have very cheap rent for our home from our sweet, mission-minded landlady. We are also thankful she takes care of the house so well! This week we have a handy-man doing home improvement all over the place before winter comes. (We will also be very thankful when the very loud hammering and sawing stops. ha.)
Hold me outfits. What is a “hold me outfit” you might ask? Well, that is what my friend
Kim calls velour suits, because they’re so soft and cuddle-friendly. You know the suits I’m talking about? Velour pants and a jacket? I heard they went out of style a while ago. Good thing missionaries don’t care about that stuff, because I have 4 or 5 that my mom found on sale. I wear them to work around the house when it’s cold, and they have
DEFINITELY resurfaced this week! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is FALL in Michigan! It’s been in the 60’s during the day, and the 40’s/50’s at night. I’m just hoping we have a little more warm weather before it gets
really cold!
Happy Anniversary! Today is our 5 month anniversary! We’ve almost made it half a year! It’s been a wonderful 5 months; I’m so thankful that I get to spend everyday with my best friend. Please continue to pray for us as we grow, learn, love and serve together.
Thanks for reading- you all are a blessing to us! HAPPY FRIDAY!
I LOVE these Friday updates!! It’s so good to hear about all the little things that are going on in your lives. The puppy is so cute! Happy 5 month Anniversary! Love you both BUNCHES, Mom
It has been such a pleasure reading your blogs!! I met you in the new student union at Auburn University one day when you had a table with information about how you serve as a missionary, you were also selling bags and t-shirts! Ericka, when I met you I never in a million years would think that God would put on my heart a desire to want to serve Him through cross-cultural missions! Thank you for sharing you highs and lows and your heart for God and His plan and purpose for you and your husbands life!! My mother lives in Mount Clemens, MI, Just south of Port Huron!! By the time I come home you will be overseas!! Michigan is so beautiful in the winter, and the fall takes some getting use to if you are from the south!! If you ever want some encouragement on those cold days just send me an email!! I used to have to walk to school, and one day it was -19 degrees!! Seriously, is it legal to walk in weather that cold with snow all over the place!!!LOL But the blessing is God’s beauty in the different seasons which you do not really experience in the south. An African-missoionary name Samuel Morris, once stated, that snow is like a piece of heaven on earth. It’s beauty could only be explained by the one who created it, and what a joy that He allows us to experience that beauty!! Our God is greater than we could ever dream or imagine!!!
Enjoy fall, I still have my velour outfit in the closet, really to use at any moment!!LOL
P.S. The first two fb games have been great! I’m so excited about the season and game tomorrow! I think it is on tv, maybe you will get a chance to watch it!!!
War Eagle,
Hey love!! Love your update!!! I have to say, my favorite was the “hold me outfits”…and I just want you to know that I still have valour pants/jacket outfits, and still wear them when it gets cold!! So glad yall get some time to relax. Love you!