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It’s time for our weekly update…written this Friday from Gainesville, GA!
Bragging rights. In case you didn’t catch the game, ARKANSAS WON.
It was ugly – Auburn played the worst they have all year, and Arkansas
miraculously found a defense! End score: 44-23 Arkansas. Now Rusty has
bragging rights for the year AND I owe him a footrub &
backrub….*sigh. WAR EAGLE anyway!  The GOOD NEWS is, Rusty tried hard to be sweet to me, and we had a blast
visiting with dear friends, family, & supporters in Arkansas. Trudy
& James, Josh, & Kristy, Chris & Carrie, Ruth, Charlie,
Ryan & Lisa Marie, Lane & Denise -(and all your beautiful
kids)- WE LOVED SEEING YOU!!! *see the pictures at the bottom for some highlights from our trip!
Chimney sweep. Football games & time with friends
wasn’t all we did in Arkansas…Rusty tried his hand at being a chimney
sweep! Our friend Chris had knee surgery
recently and couldn’t climb up on the roof to clean their chimney.
Rusty stepped in (or, stepped UP rather) to help out. The FUNNY thing
is…Rusty only brought nice clothes for the weekend. So, the next
thing I knew Rusty was on the roof in his
Dr. Pepper pajama pants! The pictures were too funny not to share!
Near death experience. On the way to the airport
Monday, we almost died in a car crash. Sounds dramatic, I know, but
it’s true! The car in front of us hit some deep water, throwing it up
on our windshield. There were several seconds where we could not see
ANYTHING at all! We were meeting several cars in the left lane,
including an 18 wheeler that could have hit us head on. To the right
(in front of us) was an SUV, with a ditch and trees beyond that. Rusty
tried to hit he brakes and started to hydroplane. We all had a few
panicked seconds, just waiting on a horrific crash! When the water
stopped we were MIRACULOUSLY still in our lane and hadn’t hit
ANYTHING!!! God’s hand was definitely on us that day. To all of you who
pray for us when we travel, THANK YOU!
Training Camp. We’re back in Georgia for World Race Training Camp this week and we would really appreciate your prayers!!! This is the LARGEST Training Camp we’ve ever done, with over 100 participants! The next week and a half will be very busy for us. Our responsibilities include:
  • Hosting the Parent’s Reception (a time for us to introduce World Race parents to AIM, and minister to them)
  • Leading the Men’s Retreat (Rusty will lead the men on an adventurous retreat and teach them about serving, accountability, leadership, and what it means to be a man of integrity.)
  • Sharing about The Sound of Hope & selling merchandise (I will
    speak to the World Racers about The Sound of Hope campaign and how they
    can be involved with raising funds and awareness for orphans).
  • Working with Development & Donor Relations (I will be
    spending some time helping in these departments as we prepare for the
    end of the year).
  • World Race Participant training, ministry, teaching, counseling & prayer time (we take part in all things necessary to prepare these World Racers for their mission work around the world!)
  • Miscellaneous (a little bit of everything else like camp set up, break down, cleaning, kitchen duty, and all the other things needed to have a successful Training Camp!)
This is a busy and often stressful time for everyone involved. We
have early mornings, late nights and little sleep in between. Satan
HATES what we are doing, and tries to constantly mess things up by
causing car trouble, schedule changes, sickness, bad dreams, lack of
sleep, relationship struggles and anything else he can throw at us as staff!
Rusty and I especially struggle with this as a married couple. I have already been dealing with severe muscle spasms this morning in my shoulders, back, and neck (VERY PAINFUL!) If you
could lift us ALL up in prayer during this time, it would be greatly appreciated!
Please pray too for these racers as they prepare to bring the love of Christ to the WORLD!
Well friends, that’s all we’ve got this week!
Enjoy the pictures below, and thanks in advance for your prayers! HAPPY FRIDAY!
We were on opposite sides this game. EW!
 Good thing we still love each other! πŸ™‚
 Headed in to the game!
 The score was UGLY for us Tigers πŸ™

Rusty was VERY excited with the end score!!!
 I was NOT happy πŸ™
 Luckily, we weren’t too mean to each other, and hugged it out at the end of the game πŸ˜‰
We had a great time hanging out with Lane & Denise after the game!!! We wish we lived closer!
 Our first night we stayed with Josh, Kristy, & sweet baby Carly!
 During the weekend we stayed with the Tuckers –
these are the 3 beautiful Tucker women! (Carrie, Jane, & Mae)
 We also visited the Norris family, who just moved into their new home!
 …and made time for a quick coffee with Charlie on our way out!
 And of course, our final stop had to be RAY’S for a burger with Mom!

3 responses to “A Missionary’s Life :: Bragging Rights & Training Camp”

  1. Hey!! Love to read your Friday updates! Will keep you both in prayer as you lead The World race training camp. Have a great week!! =)

  2. I LOVE THESE FRIDAY UPDATES!! Great pictures…except that one of the scoreboard with the final score!:( Glad you both had lots of fun. We’re praying for you all at Training Camp this week…especially the World Racers. Glad to hear you’re feeling better and praying that God continues to give you all you need to complete this training camp! Can’t wait to see you this weekend. Love you both BUNCHES, Mom
    P.S. WAR EAGLE!!!