Well, it’s that time again! Here’s a little “Friday Update” for all you great friends & family who keep up with us. This week we’ve got bad news, good news, and work news…so check out the update below!
ICU. Unfortunately we are starting our update with bad news this week. Rusty’s Papaw has been admitted to the hospital in Arkansas and is in ICU. They are fighting to keep fluid off is lungs, and his kidneys are not working well. He was showing some improvement yesterday, and we are hoping he will improve enough to move to a regular room and go home soon! Will you please pray for healing? Pray also that God will protect him from any germs floating around…the ‘Swine Flu’ has hit Arkansas hard lately.
40 degrees. I know you Southerners reading this think I’m lying, but it was in the LOW 40’S last weekend! It’s been in the low 50’s (at night) the rest of the week…not at all what I am used to this time of the year! I am trying to soak up the sun that’s still around in the day and praying the warmth lasts just a little longer!
Hello Mac. GOD PROVIDES!!! Last year you heard about Rusty’s computer being
STOLEN AT GUNPOINT. Last week we told you Rusty’s hand-me-down computer died. After several days of discussing our options, we had peace about finally fixing his computer need by investing in a Macbook. There were many reasons he needed a Mac:
1– It will last longer than any other computer,
2– It is the only computer we can take overseas without ruining it with viruses, and
Rusty is a great videographer and has told many stories from around the world. Unfortunately, his talents have been wasted the past year without the tools he needed! So, with the financial help of some of our GREAT supporters, friends, and family, we were able to purchase a used/refurbished Macbook Pro. Rusty already has some great video ideas, so keep an eye out for exciting things to come! 🙂
DETROIT TIGERS! For Rusty’s birthday (August 17th) he got tickets to a Detroit Tigers Major League Baseball game. We worked last weekend so we could take off Thursday and head down for the game. It was my first MLB game and I must admit I had a good time! In a sea of orange and blue fans yelling “GO TIGERS” I felt like I was back in Auburn! The day was made even better by a former AUBURN TIGER, Clete Thomas, hitting a two-run triple during the game!
Can you hear me now? Last week’s computer crash really made work difficult for Rusty. The good news is, he made up for it this week! With his new computer he’s been organizing information and being VERY productive! Rusty made over 60 calls this week to potential World Racers; sharing his story, ministering to them, and answering their questions about The World Race. It’s exciting to see him recruiting new missionaries to go out and be the hands and feet of Christ to the nations!
86/310. 86 is the number of handwritten support letters I finished this week. 310 is the number I have left to do. Will you please pray for productivity as I work on this time-consuming task? Please also pray that God will prepare the hearts of those receiving our notes. We want our supporters to feel loved, appreciated, and needed. We want those who are not supporting us to be moved to join our ministry! We want to continue doing the work God has called us to do and we know He can provide!
Thailand & Australia. If you missed our last three updates, WE ARE GOING BACK OVERSEAS! We really need your support, so please read the blogs below:
Well, that’s all this week folks! Please keep us in your prayers next week as Rusty is traveling down to GA for work. It will be the first time we’ve been away from each other since we were married!
Prayers for his safety and my heart are greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading and Happy Friday!