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There is a time for everything,

                                       and a season for every activity under heaven:
        a time to be born and a time to die,

                         a time to plant and a time to uproot…
       a time to weep and a time to laugh,

                         a time to mourn and a time to dance…

        – Ecclesiastes 3: 1,2, & 4

These verses could very well be the ‘theme’ of our week. We’ve had a very unexpected week of last minute travel, hospitals, and funeral homes- but through it all GOD IS GOOD. Read the details below in our Friday update!
God’s provision and perfect timing. In our update last Friday we shared that Rusty’s grandfather had been hospitalized in Arkansas. His health continued to decline that day, and the doctors finally gave him a 0% chance of survival. At the last minute we decided to go to Arkansas to be with Rusty’s family and say goodbye to Papaw. We couldn’t afford to fly, and were planning to make a 2 day/15 hour drive. At the last minute, our dear friend and co-worker offered to use his skymiles to provide free tickets for us to fly! WHAT A BLESSING! We were able to arrive by Saturday afternoon, and Rusty got to see his Papaw while he could still recognize him. If we’d been driving, he would have missed those precious moments to say goodbye. Jake- we are so grateful for you! We are still amazed to see God’s continued provision and perfect timing!
A time to weep and a time to laugh.

Rusty’s Papaw, William Waller, passed away peacefully Sunday afternoon at the age of 84. We were able to be with him, his sweet wife of 60 years (MeMaw), and Rusty’s mom in those last moments. We spent the next few days spending precious time with family and reflecting on Papaw’s wonderful life: his relationship with the Lord, his bravery as he served our country in the Navy, his hard work to provide for his family, his sweet gentle spirit, and the legacy he left behind with his wife, daughter, grandchildren, and friends. It truly was a time to weep and a time to laugh. We are so thankful to know he is no longer in pain, but rejoicing in heaven!
Where Joy and Sorrow Meet. This is the name of the beautiful song I sang for Papaw’s funeral.  I stumbled across this song online while trying to find something appropriate for the service. The lyrics are incredible – I would recommend it to any of you who have lost a loved one. It’s by the group “Avalon”.
3,710 miles. That’s the approximate number of miles we will have traveled this week. We flew 1,740 miles last Saturday (Detroit to Houston to Little Rock), and drove 550 miles from Arkansas to Gainesville, GA for 2 days of work (if you remember from our update last week, Rusty was scheduled to be in Gainesville for work this week). Today we are driving the 550 miles back to Arkansas, and flying 870 miles home to Michigan on Sunday. Please keep praying for us as we travel! We were really looking forward to being home the whole month of September to rest from all our travels. We’re very tired and will be so thankful to be in our bed late Sunday night!
Sweet Home Alabama. Lucky for us, our drive back to Arkansas takes us straight through my hometown of Oxford, AL! YAY! We ate dinner with my family Wednesday night, and are staying the night with them tonight. It’s so good to be able to see them, if only for a little while! It’s also GREAT to be back in the land of CHICK-FIL-A and sweet tea! YUM!:)
More of God’s provision and perfect timing. If you’ve been keeping up with us, you know Rusty’s computer died. You also know God provided a Macbook for him just last week, which was a HUGE blessing! Little did we know God’s timing is perfect even when a computer dies. Rusty got his new computer just in time to put together a wonderful video for his Papaw’s funeral. We hope you’ll enjoy this little glimpse into Papaw’s life we’ve posted below. Please keep praying for the family- we know Papaw is in heaven, but he is still greatly missed on earth!

Papaw Remembered from Rusty Jackson on Vimeo.

2 responses to “A Missionary’s Life :: A time to weep, and a time to laugh”

  1. Ericka,

    I just wanted you to know how much you inspire me. I rarely comment, but you have a way of writing that just leaves me so happy inside no matter what you are writing about. God has certainly put you in the correct place. I am so proud to know you, and I pray you have a restful month before everything starts up again. Thanks for being such a blessing to me and others!

    All my love,
    Kelli Souder

  2. I am so sorry Baby Girl for the loss that you and Rusty have suffered this week, but so thankful you were able to get there in time to say goodbye…that there were no regrets…that you know he is in Heaven with God and that you will see your Papaw again. May God continue to give you His peace and also rest in this sad time.

    We love you,
    Aunt Angie and Uncle Britt