Brij Mohan – I met Brij almost two years ago in India, at the orphanage I visited. He was 14 then, and such a sweet kid! He was smart, funny, and talented. He helped around the orphanage and was wonderful to the other children. His dream was to become a missionary. Now Brij is 16 and he is struggling with serious mental problems. This runs in his family – both his parents are dead (one murdered by his sister) and his brother disappeared years ago due to mental issues. These issues have finally appeared in Brij, and he cannot stay at the orphanage anymore as it would endanger the other children. The orphan Mom & Dad love Brij as if he were their own, but they do not have the $1,000 A MONTH it would cost for his treatment. PLEASE PRAY for healing and provision! He is such a good kid with so much promise!
Kriek Gerber – Kriek is one of our missionaries in Swaziland. Today she was in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. Praise God she is okay – just bumps and bruises and very shaken up. However, the car is going to be VERY expensive to fix. They need their vehicles to get to the carepoints to feed and care for the orphans. PLEASE PRAY FOR PROVISION to fix the car! Please also pray for Kriek and the other missionaries as they are throwing a big Christmas party tomorrow for hundreds of orphans!
Alli Mellon – Alli is a dear friend of mine who was a missionary with AIM for 10 years. She is now doing mission work in Cambodia, and recently adopted two beautiful little girls. She has elderly grandparents who aren’t doing well, and it is their greatest wish to hold Alli’s children. Unfortunately the government will NOT grant Alli the visas she needs to bring the girls home for a visit. PLEASE PRAY FOR INTERVENTION! Pray for God to change the minds of the government officials so that Alli can come home!
Hubbard Owens – Hubbard is my dear friend Shelley’s dad. He was diagnosed with colon cancer almost 2 years ago and was told he only had a few months to live. But Hubbard is a FIGHTER and God is a HEALER! He has been through several major surgeries and has been doing well. Unfortunately he recently had a setback and was put in ICU. PLEASE PRAY FOR HEALING for Hubbard, and peace, strength, and comfort for Shelley!
The Pressly Family – Anne Pressly was a kind, beautiful, Christian woman who worked with Rusty during his TV days. Last year she was brutally raped and murdered in her home in the middle of the night. Her mother was the first to find her. This week Anne’s trial started, with the man accused of her murder in custody. Her family is having to re-live the most horrific time of their life everyday in that courtroom. PLEASE PRAY FOR PEACE! Pray for strength and comfort for Anne’s family and pray for JUSTICE in this situation.
- Ft. Hood Families – by now I’m sure you’ve all heard about the terrible tragedy at Ft. Hood. Twelve people are dead, with 31 injured. For 43 families, life just changed drastically. I cannot imagine the shock, sorrow, anger and fear they must be feeling! PLEASE PRAY FOR PEACE AND COMFORT. Pray for healing for those injured, and for justice for the shooters in custody.
- Families of the Orlando Shooting – breaking news, just as as I was typing this – there has now been a shooting in an office building in Orlando. From what I’ve heard there are 6 victims. Please pray for their healing, for their families (who I’m sure are confused and scared), for the safety of the people around, and that the police would find the shooter soon!