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Thoughts & Inspiration

For those of you wondering, WE MADE IT HOME! Thanks so much for your prayers for safe travel. Our Friday Update will fill you in on a recap of our adventure, but I wanted to post a short blog today asking for your prayers this week.
For the next 3 days I will be focusing on a time of prayer, fasting, worship, and seeking God’s voice about my future. No, we’re not leaving our mission work or anything like that… I just feel like God is asking me to reassess what I am doing, refocus my vision, and seek His direction in any changes that need to be made in my ministry; especially with the orphan fundraising campaign I started, The Sound of Hope.
This is a New Year and I am asking for reNEWed vision and direction. I really want GOD’S BEST for this ministry and for these children. I want this to be HIS vision and HIS plan. I want HIM to be directing my steps as we move forward, and I want to hear what HE has to say about it all… so I’ll be focused on a special time of seeking this Wednesday through Friday.
Would you please pray for me? Please pray that I will be sensitive to His Spirit and every detail He reveals. Pray for a hedge of protection around me so that the enemy will not be able to distract or interfere. Pray for focus, clarity, and clearcut direction from God. And above all, pray that what HE wants to come out of this time will come…and that I will have the courage and wisdom to carry it out!
Thanks in advance! You ‘prayer warriors’ are such a blessing in my life!

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