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A Missionary’s Life :: Georgia Bound

 It’s that time again! Time for our ‘Friday Update’, where we fill you in on what we’ve been up to for the past week (or couple of weeks ๐Ÿ˜‰ Check out the info below!
Be My Valentine. Last week, in lieu of our Friday Update I did a
couple of Valentine themed blogs. I’m still surprised at how much of a
hit one of them was – 700+ views and 32 comments (and they keep coming
in!) It’s VERY encouraging to see God using my blogs! Overall it was a
great Valentine’s weekend. Rusty and I enjoyed dinner and a movie out,
and he gave me flowers and chocolates (I gave him a new pullover). BOTH
of our moms sent us Valentine’s too! We were very blessed ๐Ÿ™‚
No Southern Belle. Most of you have probably heard by now via
facebook, but just in case you didn’t (and are wondering), I did NOT
get the part of Belle in Beauty and the Beast at the Civic Theater
here. I found out I made it to the top 2 (which is encouraging) but
they chose the other girl. I guess they only like NORTHERN Belles up
here! (kidding, kidding… haha ๐Ÿ˜‰
Wooly, Wooly. My husband has been getting very wooly lately. Our
hair stylist has been on maternity leave – the perfect excuse for Rusty
to ‘save money’ and not get a haircut! I’ve trimmed it a few times but
I am no professional…so it’s gotten a bit out of hand. He decided to
grow a beard along with it, so this is how he’s looked for the past
couple of months.

I won’t lie – I kind of liked it. I love his hair longer, and
didn’t mind the beard too much (though it was a little scratchy).
Imagine my surprise when he walked in CLEAN SHAVEN (and got a haircut a
day later!) I feel like there is a strange man in my house…it is
taking some getting used to!

Tent-making & Support Raising. Sometimes Jesus and the
disciples relied completely on the support of others to do their
ministry, as Rusty and I (and all AIM missionaries) do. (see Luke
There’s something beautiful about the dependence of it –
trusting God to show up and provide through the generosity of His
people. We also love the fact that we have great relationships with
many of our supporters we wouldn’t have if we worked ‘normal jobs’. I
could go on and on… but the bottom line is, support raising allows us
to do our full-time ministry, and we’re thankful for everyone who
supports us (and we still REALLY need your support!)
Sometimes though, the disciples raised money other ways. For
example, Paul was a tent-maker for a season. Since we aren’t traveling
for a few months, we’ve been looking for opportunities to do a little
tent-making on the side. It can help with our support burden, and also
(hopefully) help us save for having children in the future (since we
don’t have maternity insurance).
For me, tent-making means I’ve gotten back into selling Arbonne
(I’ll share more on that later, but feel free to contact me if your interested in trying anything!) For Rusty, it means a job with the
church! That’s right – he’s been hired part-time to work for our church
here. He’ll be doing a lot of video work for them, which he LOVES! It’s
great to see him using his talents and abilities from his TV days in a
ministry setting (and we’re so blessed he’s getting paid for it too!)
Praise God! If you’re on facebook, you can see one of his latest pieces by clicking HERE.
Georgia Bound. Yup… I’m South bound again. I’m headed down next
week for a few meetings with my boss and coworkers. It’s only for a
couple of days, and my schedule is PACKED – but I’m looking forward to
seeing everyone at the GA AIM office (and my parents for a quick dinner
one night). Please pray for me! I will be missing Rusty a lot (he’s
staying in Michigan).  I’ll be flying Tuesday (23) and Thursday (25)
and would appreciate your prayers for a safe trip and traveling
mercies…and blessings on my meetings!
That’s all for this week friends! HAPPY FRIDAY & have a great weekend!


  1. Love the updates and the pictures…Rusty’s a “cutie” either way…guess he’s a “keeper” ha! Can’t wait to see you next week for a few minutes. Let me know please if I need to bring you anything. Praying for SAFE travel! Love you BUNCHES, Mom

  2. i love that rusty is part of the CC team now! so glad you guys are here and have become part of our family. have a great trip to georgia.

    p.s. i also prefer facial hair on my husband. i don’t remember what he looks like clean-shaven!

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