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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello all you wonderful
friends, family, and supporters! Thank you for your recent prayers!!! We made it back from Training Camp safe and sound (and my back got better the DAY you started praying! Thank you!) We have so much to update you on from the past few weeks,  but today I am asking for your help with a
little something special!
Today is Rusty’s birthday!
As we are preparing to celebrate,  I have been reflecting on just how
much my wonderful man of God means to me and how I can encourage him
today. I would LOVE to have your help with this project! If you feel lead today (or anytime this week), please leave an encouraging comment or message for Rusty.
It can be a simple Happy Birthday, a scripture, an encouraging word, a
prophecy, or a story of how he’s blessed you. We love you all, and I know your words would truly bless him today!
THANK YOU in advance for being a part of his blessing on this special day! 🙂

4 responses to “Will you bless Rusty on his BIRTHDAY?”

  1. Rusty was a huge blessing to me and my team, by just taking the time, at a very busy training camp to share his insight and wisdom on Nsoko. Thanks Rusty!

  2. Rusty is a man of encouragement. He takes time regularly in the midst of our various work conversations to encourage me in SO many ways. Each conversations leaves me lifted up. Yea for you Man of God!

  3. Rusty, I hope you have a fabulous birthday! I am so thankful for you and how you are blessing the lives of people around you…especially my baby girl, Ericka! I look forward to a day when Britt and I can get together with you guys and just chill! Love you both!